
I would disagree. Voyager was far worse. They only time they actually used Voyager’s premise of being far away from relief and resupply, they hand-waved it away. The whole series should have been like “The Year of Hell.” Otherwise, all they ever did was pay lip-service to it.

Nope, only established that it was the case for one episode. This video is making the case that EVERY episode can be seen through the framing narrative of the series finale.

It would explain a lot that he chose to ‘tweak’ the appearance of T’Pol to better fit his viewing tastes and also portray 'gel decom' the way he liked

Nice! That’s not bad, really.

I honestly hope it’ll be a very good Trek that’ll tank in three/four episodes... I can live with the Nu-Trek movies being a success since they are mostly forgotten 12 minutes after the movie itself, but I canno survive a nu-Trek series to be successful.. it’d be too heavy on the heart.

You don’t think JJ’s “Die Hard in Space” reboot movies have “successful but horrible Trek, poisoning it forever” pretty well covered? If not, I’m Lim’s “Star Trek: 2 Slow 2 Thought Provoking....Sykkeeee boyeeee 2 Fast 2 Furious” will.

Case in point. Now we must fight until the end of time because internet.

The Wrath of Khan (Good) and Star Trek Into Darkness (Horrible). Boom, done!

Have fun getting 10 Trek fans to agree on what constitutes “good” and what constitutes “horrible.”

Oh absolutely. There will be plenty of fans that will see it. Subscriptions won’t match that though, which will be it’s undoing. At least that’s what I’m going with for now.

It’s going to set piracy records.

I suppose it could get locked up in a vault because of rights or whatever, but yeah if it’s good, I can always go back and watch it even if its only half a season.

Star Trek was the first thing I ever watched that included people like me in its vision of the future.

Yeah, but why are we drooling over the shitty Neo-Enterprise? Why not the superior old school Enterprise?

Easy. This is the shitty Enterprise. Original movie refit or bust for me. The enlarged nacelles in the front look like something off a 1950's car.

It definitely makes it less desirable.

That’s the butt-ugly JJ-Verse redesign. No drool here.

Very nice... but since it’s the JJ’s abomination Enterprise it’s not Worf 10 bucks. :D

“It’s instead based on the 2009 J.J. Abrams Star Trekupdate, not that it makes this Enterprise any less desirable.”