
This is the Anakin Skywalker we were all hoping to see in the prequels but never got.

Being sci-fi isn’t license to be stupid, and ignore the world they established the first time around. Well, not for those with basic standards in storytelling, at least.

Are...Are you trying to apply logic in an Independence Day movie? Why are you doing this to yourself?

Are...Are you trying to apply logic in an Independence Day movie? Why are you doing this to yourself?

Go back and watch the clips of the City Destroyers in action from ID4.

At least that stayed consistent w/in it’s own universe.

Come on man, its a SCI-FI movie- live a little and enjoy the disconnect from reality for 2 hours.

So the aliens completely obliterate most of Earth’s major cities (including at least...3? the US, London, New Delhi, etc).

How does the Burj still have electricity as it’s flying at London?

The entirety of the LA river is really interesting, and used in a good deal of film (those mentioned, and others). The bridge is definitely in the movies, but it’s the concrete channeled LA river that’s so unusual looking. The Sepulveda basin, the wash, the Figueroa bridge... there are some really, really

For a minute I thought you meant you choose Rey’s pants as the environment in which you want to live, which would be a valid choice.

Just so we’re clear here, you want to live in Rey’s sandy pants?

Only drawback is dealing with the strain of Super Interstellar Herpes Simplex MMXXVI.

Guys. I love me some Force Awakens. But best picture? No.

Also, how does Han Solo’s DL44 have more power than an AT-AT

Han Solo’s blaster more powerful than an AT-AT and the Iron Giant’s weapons? This list makes sense not.

IMHO, V’ger used “smart plasma” (just enough power to eliminate the target). It did take out a squadron of D-7 battle cruisers with one shot

I think that V’ger would probably happily absorb whatever the death star could throw at it, then happily consume the irritation

Even if the population of intelligent people was greater it wouldn't mean that the world would be a better place. An intelligent person isn't more inclined to be altruistic. There are plenty of intelligent people who are petty and biased little turds out to get what they want at the expense of others.

You(and the movie) are making the assumption that smart people have smart children and dumb people have dumb children. While I'm sure the intelligence of the parents does have an effect on a child's overall development it still is entirely possible for two idiots to produce a genus and vice versa, eugenics would not