
Star Wars is a fantasy mythological story about destiny, with scifi wallpaper. Wizards, magic, knights, castles, dragons and dragonslayers. And 2 silly peasants whose destiny takes them into the most important events of the universe.

In a different quantum universe, those are 3 of the 4 TMNT.

Well no, child porn is illegal because it requires an actual child to be abused and exploited to exist. And as for murder bots... Why not? What's constructively different between that and a video game where you shoot hundreds of people?

The reason child porn is illegal is actual children are harmed in making it. It's illogical to make having sex with a robot or drawings, stories, or fiction illegal. There was never a child involved in the process.

"Ethan, describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about your mother."

My dog Cody constructs well-planned lies. He knows he's not supposed to sleep on the couch, so when I go upstairs to bed he's in the den on his doggy bed. In the morning he's in his bed, but the couch is covered with fur, and is still warm. Smarter than he looks.

it's legal to shoot it down if they don't know who shot it down.

If this movie doesn't have some serious elephant rampages, I'll be disappointed.

"I was right in the middle of an elephant zoo, and someone was giving booze to these goddamn things. Won't be long now before they tear us to shreds."

It'd be very nice if our society could move beyond torturing prisoners. How is the suffering of others medicine to your? And it doesn't fucking help. Despite the extremely cruel punishments employed during medieval time crime was much more prevalent than today. Because it was easy as fuck to get away with it. All a

Hooboy. Thanks for writing this, this kind of information needs to keep getting repeated, but this comments section is gonna get ugly. I don't want to lose faith in humanity today.

I would like to believe that the aim of the criminal justice system is to reduce instances of crime. This is not how you do it. This is how you institutionalise and otherwise screw people up. Sure, they're criminals, but unless you're throwing away the key on each and every one of them, this ain't the way to make them

This is a failure of a comment. If solitary confinement is torture, then those who committed crimes do not "deserve to be there" unless you believe that torture is an acceptable practice against criminals - which puts you on the wrong side of humanitarians *as well* as those who are only looking for practical ways to

Yeah well the problem is that if they were going to prison for a limited amount of time , solitary has let them a burden on society for life, because it turns them insane.

Humanity is for those who obey.

He's cast as a jock and a womanizer. Kirk wasn't even a womanizer really; he had a lot of women, sure, but he wasn't a "player". He was passionate and emotional with all of then, not a cad.

Kirk was always the alpha jock leader type and that's what frustrated others (and was the source of his character's lampooning over the years).

not exactly. Kirk was more than just a jock and despite what the popular culture "remembers" he was much more respective towards women (tho of course 60s style) than Pine!Kirk. Kirk would have NEVER ogle crew members the way the new Kirk does. Kirk respected the chain of command, the new films make it look like

but the problem is those characters didn't feel like the original characters because they were cartoonish, watered down, almost satirical versions of the original characters. Kirk is a dumb jock, Scotty is a comic relief, Sulu fights with a sword etc

I loved that episode :) (I'm assuming the one where the last Earth pilot gets tricked into destroying Earth?)