
That’s actually where I went to get my stat from!

All those weirdo conservative elites decided, as adults with presumably existing baseball allegiances, chose to get obsessed about the Nats because they’re old white people who yearn for a time when a baseball team was the defining cultural institution of a major American city.

Art has a lot of “points”. Maybe it’s to evoke an emotional reaction and maybe you’re denying yourself of the creator’s vision by spoiling yourself, but a lot of the time the “point” of a movie is entertainment. The point is whatever you want it to be because you’ve made the choice to watch it. You want to watch an

This is something probably better expounded upon in a larger blog, but we get a lot of shit either way because we’re either all-in for Tesla, or we’re a bunch of short sellers blahblahblah.

we’ll find out tonight... fucking Alabama, dont do it

I started playing Battlefield with 3. I loved that one (The Aftermath maps are among my favorite DLC maps ever) and once Battlefield 4 was fixed I loved that one.

Thus answering the question I didn’t realized I had, “if you put a sociopathic technocrat in a a room with nothing but a word processor and the sound of his own voice, what would he write?”

The Twitter bio says “work in @nytimes”; he has indeed published articles in the NYT. Not sure how this is misrepresenting himself.

I realize this will require the reader to do more research but simply pulling up the Twitter account and scrolling through the tweets reveals that he gives credit to the NYT and never suggests it was he alone who was scooped. Calling him “a bit of a fraud” is a bit dickish when he gives credit to the people whose work

Here’s the poster explaining Harrison’s costume.

My vote it Dirk Digler

As a fake internet attorney, let me preemptively address the knotty legal arguments from those who would ask “What about his right to free speech?”: Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot

I thought all lawyers used wordperfect

Any show even loosely associated with rap that basically does an entire episode about how awful clubs are deserves your benefit of the doubt for awhile.

I call bullshit.


I didn’t think anyone could confuse Rick Ross with Will Smith, but you’ve done it.

Social media and #activism created these self-aggrandizing, holier-than-thou shits with delusions of Herzog.

People that bought into the whole no car lifestyle and depend on a single point of failure for their mobility.

That was epic. The battlefield scenes outside Winterfell were the best I have ever seen on television, and it might just be the awe of the moment, but I can’t remember a film that did any better either.