
This guy is like an online version of when dogs and their owners start to look alike.

I don’t entirely disagree, except that these people aren’t actually insulating themselves from real life emotional reactions. For example, my mother has a terrible reaction to seeing any dog die on TV or in movies. If a dog gets hurt onscreen, she’s done with it, turning it off. Is she insulating herself? Sure, in a

Like that time he mimicked the real life Django.

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I always loved the ending to The Third Man. Sets you up to expect a perfect Hollywood final scene that never comes.

I like the part about the Atlas Shrugged worship:

I don’t know, I thought the shootout looked good, but made no sense at all. It had the quality/violence of a scene from an HBO show, but the realism of a USA show. Cops disappear, only to reappear for the sole purpose of getting shot. (I think the one female cop is still guarding the back.) It’s not like I have high

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Totally random, but I discovered several years ago that Christopher Lee was in one of my favorite childhood films, a TNT movie version of Treasure Island from 1990. (Of course I had no idea who he was when I was 10.) Lee played Blind Pew, barely recognizable in his makeup, screaming “damn your eyes!” at Christian

Good to see John McAfee is getting new work.

Spoken like someone who's never been on one of his juries!

Definitely. And Emily Blunt was great in it as well.


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These seem to be the guys they're mocking:

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Tony's Hall of Fame induction speech gives a good impression of what type of player and man he was:

I suspect it had less to do with her better instincts, and more to do with her clients' parents flipping out about their son potentially losing his scholarship to GSU? (At least I could picture my mom going all mama-bear and demanding a lawyer post something unnecessary to Facebook...if Facebook existed when I were in

White trash. Typical.

I think you make a decent point about looniness on the left (and let's not forget the anti-vaccine epidemic among Whole Foods types), but you're equating groups that tend to be in the fringes of liberal politics with sitting Congressmen. Ecoterrorism wouldn't find support among any Democratic Congressmen, for example.