
I’ve been there - I went to see Bonnie Raitt in concert while I was there for a wedding, and it was actually a lot of fun! The state fair here is pretty hokey so I was impressed.

Also I’ve only been to the state fair once but the food was goddamn delicious.

A) It’s extremely hot in MN right now, actually. It’s even worse at the State Fair, which typically sees around 200k guests daily.

Can’t resist calling Biden a vegetable, can you?  Does that get you more cred with all the “progressives” down at the wine bar?

I think Weinstein is doing what I think Warren Jeffs did: he knows he’s going to lose anyway so he directed his attorney to re-traumatize witnesses all over again as punishment for speaking up.

I can’t stop laughing when imagining that internal discussion Levine would have had before sending a message like that.

Seems like cheating with someone who’s desperate for publicity and expecting them to be quiet about the one thing that can get them some publicity might not be the best plan.

Lol, is that second quote real, or did you just record my 6 year old explaining why he likes video games?

In addition, Jason has spoken out about it and said that his only stipulation to the process servers was that she not be served where the kids were, or where they were likely to be (i.e at home or at their school),.

Ironically, if she proves her case, his lie under color of his authority as A.G. might also be a valid grounds to seek his disbarment from the practice of law, which would be the just resolution of this story. There are stringent ethical requirements every attorney must abide by, and I wouldn’t be surprised if

Maybe if you’re running a TV show and need new melodrama every week, this is exactly the kind of person you want to have around? I mean, I think you’d want her in an isolation tank or something.

Also, as someone who’s dealt with more than a few suicides over the course of my life, it really isn’t that uncommon to see someone talk a lot about how great they’re feeling and how they’re over whatever problems they’ve had and even go on to say (often without it really being part of the conversation) “I’m not

Amanda Knox spent 4 years in prison, she was only let out because she had a re-trial, and she was found not guilty. No one rescued her, she had to wait for the Italian courts to free her.. she stayed in jail even after a different person was convicted for the crime.

Also, the marquee basketball players comparable to Brittany Griner don’t carry their own weed when they travel internationally. Their assistants call ahead, or do it themselves, and when they get caught it doesn’t make the paper.

Veterans from all over the world are volunteering to join forces with Ukraine to help defend their citizens who are being murdered by the thousands at the hands of a maniacal Russian war-lord. Russia has declared that any of those soldiers that are captured will be treated as mercenaries, not a legitimate army assuming

Because obviously the Russian state - that just invaded another country - trembles in the face of a petition filled in by some foreigners who live in countries Russia hates.

Wisconsin man shaves beard”

I don’t think Shailene has an issue with his anti-vaxx views either. I think she’s smart enough to get vaxxed rather than lose jobs but dumb/woowoo enough that she probably doesn’t believe in vaccines.

“I just wasn’t reaping the publicity benefits of continuing this PR creation any longer” said at least one party in the arrangement

Oh boy I forgot about that - what a deep cut and I live for this kind of petty.