
She is a very good senator and works hard for Minnesota. This article makes less sense to me the more I think about it. Also, the crack about the Bachelorette dating show with firefighters is pretty insulting. One would think Jezebel would be beyond that type of humor. These women are married professionals who work

It’s really hard to explain the MN state fair without actually witnessing the beast. It is not merely an event that takes place once a year. I feel compelled to defend this too, and I am meh on everyone involved, including Amy. Who is actually a pretty great senator, hard working, very good at her job.

Hokey was exactly the word I was looking for- to say that the Minnesota Fair is surprisingly not-hokey. Even the 4-H kids are elite. There’s a legit Fine Arts building with bona fide art treasures. the Black Keys played there on opening night- they don’t have to do that. Soul Asylum is playing a free stage. I could go

It’s been like 100 degrees in Minnesota this week, even worse out at the fairgrounds. I moved here about 25 years ago, ostensibly to go to college but ended up marrying one of these Minnesota dorks, and there’s a lot to make fun of here, but the Minnesota State Fair is unlike your regular state fair. Not going to say

My first reaction was honestly, she wants out of her tour, as it is going to be unfavorably compared to Taylor Swift’s, and her “people” planted the ‘found unresponsive, rushed to the ICU, is going to be fine but can’t tour” story for dramatic attention, and the story has now fallen apart. But, she is out of the tour,

Drew Barrymore’s 1991 outfit looks exactly like what my 16 year old daughter and all of her friends wear to school on a regular basis. They buy it all at Pac Sun. Drew looks adorable and so do the teens.

To be accurate, there are two things for her to not be quiet about- the affair, which is tacky, but not that hard to believe considering this is Adam Levine, Human Ax Spray (thank you, above poster) but there is also the part where he said he was going to name his baby after her (if the baby is a boy, which also lol

He will enjoy the same level of success and fame as always. See also: Johnny Depp. That said, I will admit to being 48 years old, and I have to say- my teenagers don’t consider Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt anything special, just a pair of old dudes. Like how when I was a kid Marlon Brando and Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart

I believe he means that one of the kids likes to wear long trench coats and dark-sider stuff like combat boots. Probably longer hair, maybe dyed. Listens to like, Marilyn Manson ish music, though I doubt one of these kids would be so pedestrian. They probably have access to all kinds of underground garage and punk

I think because her addiction was so public and she was in the tabloids in dirty shoes running all over London with that piece of shit boyfriend. People felt entitled to comment on her struggles, then laughed when she died. 

For sure- the day she died the headlines were like “Hey who had July 2011?” The deathwatch on her was sad and scary. Poor girl had such issues and people exploited her while she was living, while she was actively dying, and after she died. Addiction is terrible, and she could have been helped maybe.

Also, the marquee basketball players comparable to Brittany Griner don’t carry their own weed when they travel internationally. Their assistants call ahead, or do it themselves, and when they get caught it doesn’t make the paper.

I think she probably has brought vape cartridges to Russia before, and everywhere else, because while technically illegal, she is a high profile athlete and is used to the rules not applying to her in these situations. Unfortunately for her, the rules changed and her high profile worked against her. 

Probably not, but she doesn’t need the bad press for her own dubious career.

Green Bay’s PR “PR department” is not like other NFL teams. The organization is surprisingly rinky-dink for an NFL team. Green Bay is indeed a small town and the players are worshipped. They are also very recognizable around town. They do their own PR just by living there and people eat it up. The organization wouldn’t

I watch SNL every week as if its my job. It is often tedious, but I feel like they work so hard that I should watch it live. In my opinion, Pete is actually trying harder this year than ever before to be a team player, and to be funny. He has been expendable in the past, but has stepped it up this year. I begrudgingly

Not relevant, but I have become so out of touch with the gossip pages that I thought the father of the Hadid baby was The Weekend (I will spell it like that) and I had to look up who Malik was, and then I remembered that I forgot about One Direction.

Television itself is mostly for the elite, or entertainment journalists. During the pandemic job losses, my household cancelled cable to save money. I consider ourselves pretty normal people, we have 3 televisions at various levels of newness and subscribe to a few streaming services with a lot of options for a whole

I worked with a lady who did that, at the insistence of her daughter, who was 9 at the time. Even remarried but kept her first husband’s surname. Now that her daughter is 30 and rotten, my former co-worker wishes she would have just made the switch back then and moved on. But I can see why Kim would just let it ride,

I picture it more like this: (at reunion)