
The only reason to give it another season is that people are watching because they are curious about Meghan Markle. Kind of a “what came first the chicken or the egg” thing.

And the waitress.

The Sex and The City franchise is not going to get any new fans. It is season 9 Beverly Hills 90210 at this point. All of the people that actually went to see the second movie will go see the third (turd). They can make as shitty a movie as they want and these same people will still go see it, Kim Cattrall or no. I

I miss the movie premieres of that time. People didn’t get all gussied up, they just made a fun evening of it and she and Johnny always showed up stoned and dressed like scarecrows.

I KNOW! Why are they being such dinks about it? In fact, it is a perfect premise, to have the 3rd movie take place at Samantha’s funeral. SJP could get in any last dig she wanted to at Kim and she would continue to give no fucks. And then for sure she would never have to have another conversation about playing

Thanks- I only stay here because of the precarious nature of healthcare. If the government can come up with a single-payer plan, it would give me the freedom to not be tied down to this. Otherwise, in three years, if I am still cancer-free, I may be able to jump ship and risk a new health care plan. This is the stuff

Good God. That is exactly the same concept, and I certainly hope you never have to talk to that person again. What’s messed up is that they think they are helping. They do not realize their selfishness.

Agree. And she is the type that considers herself very empathetic and motherly. Also is a hypochondriac who has never had any kind of bad medical thing happen to her ever.

Thanks. It actually helps to say these things out loud and have people confirm that the things she says are fucked up. It has also made me more aware to not say dumb shit to other people.

My boss has said to me, more than once, in regards to my double mastectomy two years ago: “Well, you’re a lot better off than those of us that have yet to be diagnosed with it.” She is a fucking cunt. Ironically, I have to put up with that shit because I need my health insurance desperately. Also once told me, in

My son’s preschool has several babies/toddlers named Sebastian. Babies named Sebastian are hilarious. The toddlers usually go by “Baz”.

Does Justin even make music anymore? He has that Trolls song, is he just going to play that over and over again at halftime? He must have a surprise record coming out, because he is irrelevant as a singer right now. An oldies act, even.

So it’s a Weinstein then? Bob or Harvey?

But does she feel shame? It’s hard to be humiliated when you are shameless.

Good Lord yes. Derrick was probably my first crush! Remember when he and Ricky opened an ice cream shop, and he wanted to call it “Der-Rick’s” because then it had both their names? I have been laughing at how clever that is for decades.

And this is in addition to his other stupid show that ran for many many years in the 90s that he still collects royalties on. And all the royalties he gets for the Toy Story movies and those goddamn Santa Clause bullshit movies that run on a loop at Christmas time. Pretty good for an ex-felon.

I see, the old “can’t have too many women around here”.

It can’t be too hard to figure out. The ex would be Robert Rodriguez, correct? Who did he sell movies to, after Grindhouse, which is when they met and broke up his first marriage?

I assume she knows all about it and doesn’t care because she is rich and busy. Maybe she has a sidepiece too. They have been married for decades. Marriage is complicated and maybe they just don’t want to bother getting divorced because dividing up all that money would be a pain in the ass and also he would probably

How will they get the rights to the song from Prince’s estate?????