
For real. When the biopic about Lilo is made in 40 years or so, this scene will be in it. It’s like Jackie O’s sunglasses.

I had the same thing re: Ferrari. I was like “This Chyna Kardashian person was a spokesperson for luxury car Ferrari? Is that where we are as a society now?” Glad to see it’s just a rapper I never heard of. I like my luxury goods unsullied, thank you very much (I drive a 2006 Suburu)

Amber Rose keeps winning me over. Focus on the bush, indeed.

SO FUCKING GROSS. There are many many products a person can buy for a diaper bag. It’s how it gets the name “diaper bag”. I had these scented bags, and if I had to change my baby somewhere and did not have anywhere to deposit the dirty diaper, I would put it into one of the scented bags and take it with me. That is

Sounds like you have one of those little babies. Stroller changing is probs fine. Just the fact that you thought about the options puts you way ahead of these gross baby changers. It’s not the fact that the baby’s butt is showing in public (unless it’s a rowdy toddler showing off its own butt to people trying to

Dude. I am one of those “more tolerant” customers, and I have noticed this phenomena. I am sorry that jackasses force you to consider the tip before speaking up about right and wrong. I truly am. I guess this is a consequence of our “squeaky wheel gets the oil” society.

Baby poop is just as gross as adult poop. This just in- shit stinks.

Ugh. Good reminder to clean off the tray table when you settle in for your flight. You never know what went on there on the previous flight.

as a mom, I have never “needed” to change any of my kids on a table where people eat food. Even the floor or a nearby chair would have been a less gross option, but still gross.

I suspect that mom was of the attitude “If no one says anything, then it must not bother them, so I will keep doing it.” People that think like this are beyond hope. That’s why you need to step in and educate them via the manager.

I am barfing. Left it to be bussed. I guess it’s true, money can’t buy class.

YES! I am a bigmouth and will always call this kind of stuff out, and it is always greeted with more nastiness. But I keep it up!

Yes, you should feel disgusted. I recently called out a couple for changing their kid’s diaper on the bench at my gym. I pointed at the sign hanging on the wall stating that kids should be changed on the changing tables provided in the bathrooms of the family locker room. We were all in the women’s locker room, this

I love it. I fully support this union from hell.

Ugh, my husband’s horrible grandmother always claimed they had “Cherokee blood” and then his terrible mother would follow that up with “we should have looked into that to get money for school!” They are so gross. And I am pretty sure there is no Cherokee blood in their heritage, but even if there what?

She is also a recent breast cancer survivor, and I can imagine this is all horrifying to her on a personal level (i can relate to her diagnosis). Unlike the “just don’t get sick then” Paul Ryans of the world.

I especially like the shade thrown at People via the “my mom’s garden club” remark. Jen just gets more likable as Gwyneth and Johnny Depp and the rest of the ‘90s icons evolve into ridiculousness. Jen for president.

Yeah, I mean, she isn’t exactly wrong that women get pushback when they try to be ambitious. But in her case, she doesn’t really have those same obstacles, and she consistently fails to recognize her privilege.

I had a friend of a dumb boyfriend in college who is in a dumb band and they used to play “If It Makes You Happy” but would change the words to “if it makes you happy, why the hell are you so fat.” This reminds me of that. And I feel compelled to share that I worked with her for an afternoon on a show she appeared on

I am oddly okay with a Top Gun sequel. That was a really good movie (I was 11 when I saw it). I actually am interested in what Maverick and Iceman are up to 30 years later. I think this could be not-terrible.