
You are whining that there's snow in winter.

Har-har-har! Science? Black Presidents! Women voters?!?


The Maple Leafs' planned response next game:

Gonna have to go with The Mist's Ending.

Abdomen hair is fine. Everything below that has to go. A French Wax, if you will. I keep my danglies shorn. Similar hygiene is preferred. Don't wanna have to pull a Moses at the sea of reeds just to get a meal.

yeesh. Don't express a preference around this guy!

Well, NuKirk could grab some of that Red Matter, jump back in time to a point where he can create a new timeline...and then Bones can be the one to yell "Khaaaaaannn!" this time. We'll work our way through the whole cast.

The new Crabtree jersey is out.

Yes, yes, and yes.


Hell of game indeed Mr. Sherman. Damn. That was soooooo thuggish wasn't it? Everyone that had issues can now proceed to GTFOH!

The Simpsons fan in me really wishes the interviewer was wearing a bumblebee costume.

Oh please. Cut the shit. What do you want from me? What is the proper course of action here? For me to inject race into every single thing I do? For me to see Sherman and think "I can't criticize you or compliment you because it's racist. I'm white, therefore I literally cannot evaluate you as a human being"? Because

I was just thinking the exact same thing. Every time I hear someone talk about how college simply can't compete with pro, I want to show them this video and say "You're right, this video couldn't compete with ten rows of disinterested, drunken Fifth Third Bank board members at a Bengals game."

Ohno he didn't!

A croissant

Being a year after, my class didn't get a goddamn cruise. Our replacement was a crappy dinner at Sea World and an after party that consisted of two DJs.

If you are so frail that a 14 year-old tossing a helmet ruptures your Achilles, perhaps you should take it as a sign that you just weren't meant to be.