I can‘t argue with this. 22s fo‘ all!
I can‘t argue with this. 22s fo‘ all!
Clearly donking all our small cars to make them taller is the only solution.
Similarly, the diatribe of ‘You’re not poor, I’m poor’ is tired and overused. Just because the guy probably hasn’t lived on the street or given blowjobs for crack doesn’t mean he hasn’t had a few hard days in his life. I mean, he almost fucking died, which is worse than I’ve ever had it. You’re entirely correct, that…
Dai were you born a POS or is that something you have just grown into over time?
I really enjoyed your article, thank you for sharing. Don’t listen to those asshats out there complaining about their free media on the internet...Cheers Also im in placerville,ca so it was fun to hear you got your awesome trailer so close to us.
Maybe cars are dirtier because most everyone has a 8 year loan on some clapped out piece of shit that burns 1 part oil to 10 parts gasoline and has JUST enough emissions maintenance to get through inspection?
“glossy, sweaty, skin-like” - so evocative. Ours reminded me of a brain, especially when the watered-down ketchup sauce and shredded processed cheese food product slid off onto your tray, leaving its rippled surface glistening.
You can re-live the memories of School Rectangle Pizza Day in the comfort of your own home. I’ve tried this, and it lives up to my fuzzy memories (although, I subbed out the ground beef for petite cubed pepperoni because my elementary school was FANCY like that):
Alabama is actually a pretty state, but fuck. Based on my travels, Idaho, Florida, and Alabama.
Yeah, this is pretty much it. I have relatives in Alabama and there was something so beautiful about dusk in the country, quiet, stars just coming out, trees draped in kudzu... then some asshole in a loud beater ass car comes by blasting some music that was past its prime 20 years ago. Shut that shit off.
Barron could go to Mother Russia and play for his real father’s country.
If you were Barron, would you ever go on the internet?
The law in California doesn’t require that someone actually be exposed.
Well considering she could end up in jail or in court while they are filming it makes sense to write her out.
i dont feel bad for any of these people.
“TLDR: Female, know your place and keep quiet.”
Didn’t take long to find the worst take ever.
This is what I needed today (and it’s also the greatest, most cathartic way to deal with the Kevins of Kinja). Thank you.
I don’t know what kevin’s deal is (shitting on people, I guess?), but I’m digging your shtick.