
Glad you’re here to comment about things the author certainly has never considered.

Simpler, less-complicated lives come in all forms for all sorts of people. For some it’s having a house but throwing out junk they’ve been hoarding. For others it’s changing jobs to one that has them dealing with less assholes even though the pay is less.

It was square cut cheese pizza and a side of canned corn for me.

if you have to say “i consider myself young and hip...” bruh...I’ve got some news for you...

I spent most my life in Alabama, most recently north Alabama. The Tennessee Valley. Beautiful area. Went back a few weeks ago for a wedding and to visit family & friends. Although it was the summer and the humidity was oppressive, the marked slowness in lifestyle compared to where I currently live (Denver) was nice.

Sims as miserable freelancers, you say? What, did they, too, buy Anthem?

I had a real problem with this. Surely there was another way to cause Yon-Rogg a delay without sacrificing science guy.

This is a bad apologist take for the Catholic Church.

“Rahool decrypts an Edge Transit for him.”

Ugh. You’re not the first to feel that way about Octopath. I, too, wanted to love it. I was hoping for something approaching Baldur’s Gate/Icewind Dale. I’ll still pick it up and play it if I’ve got the mind to/am motivated, but the repetitiveness blows.

Yeah, I’d like to see you talk shit to a judoka about how they don’t “look” like they could kick ass. Let me know which hospital to send the flowers to.

Sam. Bro. It’s 2018. If you haven’t figured out the open-in-new-tab thing yet you should just go be a park ranger for the rest of your life.

And in your scenario, whom should your employer interview to decide whether to fire you?

Yeah, but.....this isn’t interesting. It’s just lazy.

kevin tries to use expired coupons at tellini’s.

kevin still goes to NKOTB concerts.

kevin eats pizza with a fork.

Take these 5 episodes of House Hunters and call me in the morning.

+1 Keebler Elf watching from behind the drapes.

It...never went away? I mean, where are you going with this? I’m curious.