
I never knew how much work we all really need! Now if everybody wears Google Glasses somebody can make an app to fix us so we don't look so horribly human all of the time.

I knew someone whose children were named "Agememnon" and "Clytemnestra". But that was back in the 80's, was stuff hipster back then? I don't know.


Go ask the Irish about Oliver Cromwell.

What a good birdy! Good bird! (sorry, overwhelmed by bird cuteness)

Exactly!!! After being rear ended five times in three years (driving a bright yellow Jeep) I will not even ride my motorcycle anymore. Sad.

I actually have a co-worker named Ulyssee. Just one, not multiple. He is absolutely fabulous in every way, but has never been to Troy.

Now playing

Just to jump on the bandwagon, I am a person of dubious eyeball health status and have recently undergone pterygium removal surgery with amniotic membrane graft. We refer to that now as my SuperBabyEye.

It is definitely a good idea to develop a backbone, and to edit out the blatant haters. I am an engineer and give and receive criticism on a regular basis. You just learn to deal with it. Especially when your criticism is delivered with fifty pages of colored bubble charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, and extrapolated

I am a Cocktail Hour person.

I put my 15 year old niece on my phone plan. She bought an iPhone with money that she saved, and I pay the monthly fee. Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday. That's the deal. Apps she pays for herself. That being said, I think the answer is the perennial favorite "It Depends." My niece is a careful and thoughtful girl, as

Maybe this was performance art. That doesn't only happen in Brooklyn, you know.

Yeah, floating around in the back recesses of BirdBrain was the thought that Miley would rip up a picture of the Pope when she was done with her caterwauling. Alas, I did not stay up to watch but I don't believe that happened.

Taking this gif, putting it everywhere.

I was stuck in a mob like this the one (and only) time I rode in NYC. It was pretty intimidating but I became surrounded, swallowed up in the horde. I tried to edge my bike to the side of the road and wait it out but that was not an easy feat with the constant onslaught of unpredictable riders. And all I wanted was to

I'll try that, because really the "feel" of the liquid pencil is not pencil-y enough.

I'll try that, because really the "feel" of the liquid pencil is not pencil-y enough.

Sharpie Liquid Pencil.
I write with a pencil all day at work and hate scrounging around for a sharpener and I also press too hard for a mechanical pencil (snap the lead). So the liquid pencil works really well for me.

It's a by-product of socialized medicine. Anything that is detrimental to your health shall be taxed into oblivion.