
too busy learning how to dance to pay attention

sue all the things!

I missed that part. The company replaced a PDP-11 machine that ran TOPS-20 with a VAX 11-780, so I was exposed to the lockstep control of VMS and then later to some little Ultrix boxes. What an amazing difference between the two. VMS was like working with a control freak while Ultrix was, 'What's up, dude?' The

Remember Ken Ohlsen? His predictions were spot on. How's DEC doing anyway?

Can I work from my attic? I'm kind of stuck up here and can't figure out what to do about the people that moved into my house. I tried reading the handbook, but it reads like stereo instructions.

Trust me, you wouldn't want that.

Meanwhile on Valleywag there would be an article about how evil Google execs are "gentrifying" the stratosphere and driving out the original residents.

Many Bothans died to bring us this information.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy opens with the deaths of 6 billion people, so, meh.

TV Party tonight! (Or not.)

Exhibit A: Dr. Oz is involved.

I'm not armoring any more, but if you're serious, there are people who do it for hire. Or you could join your local SCA group and learn to do it yourself.

Looks like she brought a whip to the GUN SHOW!!!!

Went through an commented "First" on all of them. Thanks Ashley.


No one's sure what was inside? Come one guys. Isn't it obvious? IT WAS EBOLA! Don't you think it's just a little TOO convenient that Ebola starts spreading right before this thing comes down? Its mission was done. Its cargo was spent. Mark my words, by time this thing comes back down from its next mission Obama will

You must be fun at parties... in Minecraft.

Now playing

Team Cat and Team Dog....if I could have a Penguin as a pet I would, and I would be Team Penguin.

I would highly recommend "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. It talks about how to figure out how you best perceive affection and support from a partner, and how to help communicate your love and affection toward your partner in *their* love language.