
My mother admitted that when I was a Young Person she would periodically "No" me just to ensure that I was able to develop the skills to deal with being told no. After all, she reasoned, nobody ever gets their way all of the time, and dealing with No's is part of life.

I'm throwing my hat into the ring.

That car is so beautiful. And hey, what else is that 401(k) good for! I can work forever!

It made me sad, too. A car is a treasure.

I want to buy you a beer and listen to your fun tales!

Well at least you get to live in Alaska, most beautiful place I've ever visited. Scary bugs tho.

I hope they name the baby Smugly Hipster.

Meh. If Pit Bull was gracious enough to go to Alaska, Taylor Swift can very well stand still for five minutes so some fan can enjoy some life altering moment.

1976 Jeep CJ7. Just put in a new gas tank, original one fell out. Ooops.

And, it's chock full of the nicest people on the internet! (Well, the internet that I've been to, anyway)

The B52 Stratofortress... because size does matter!

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Yes! I loved Zork, Planetfall, and HHGTTG. Also I miss my acoustic coupler modem. Made such a nice reassuring sound during connection.

Make this with Minions and I'll consider buying it.


I was poking around for this link, I thought the NPR story was very interesting. I am so very far removed from Native American culture; my only exposure has been in museums and movies/tv (debatable value there). However, it seems to me that Native American culture seems so pillaged by Hollywood it is ridiculous. And,

Watched the whole thing enraptured, happy as a Pickle.

My first car, my first in a line of 3 door rides. I drive a Jeep Wrangler now, not sure if that still counts as a 3 door.