
Myself and a few friends all received Saturday schools for showing the shocker in yearbook photos (also BFE Ohio, 2002). Thought I would be slick and tell my mom I had to work a double shift at the local grocery that Saturday. SHOCKINGLY she found out anyway and I had to explain, in graphic detail to my mother, what

It's still not abuse. Your response also presupposes that gender roles are an equal playing field in the outside world, that this commercial exists in its own vaccuum where women and men share all the power, everything split down the middle: harmony. Sexism does not go both ways. Rude behavior may, yes I know

Wow 65 stars?All I got after I read this comment is "Awww poor baby doesn't like jokes..."

You dump her.. and possibly get a restraining order. It's not like she has 100 pounds on you and is stronger like most abusive men to women relationships.

I imagine in might be something like this.

My proposal went like this:

51. Sebastian

YUP! I'm literally feeding the trolls today. Hey, it's Thanksgiving!

I suppose you love her too much to add a healthy dose of laxatives in her drink?

Gaben will lead us all to glory. Or at least to the next Steam sale.

My gadget gift guide goes up tomorrow, but in it I include a slow cooker that initially retailed for I think $120. It's America's Test Kitchen's pick as their favorite, and Consumer Reports loved it too. Granted, it's a year or so old now so it's down to half that price, but here's the thing about crock pots and slow

maybe so. its still tone policing. I've only ever heard that argument come from white women, so if I assumed wrong, I am sorry.

Actually, I don't work at Best Buy anymore because I wanted what is called "a living wage." Also, when I worked there, it was a toxic environment, but it seems to have gotten better.

When you sign your music, you make one contract for the release of the recordings (them and the label) and one for publishing (them and the publisher). Beastie Boys share ownership of this publishing with the publishing company once that contract is signed, but they have assigned stewardship of the publishing rights

He painted a really nice fresco, though he really didn't understand why people care about painting bottles of soda.

Awww, does that mean you're not gonna get me one? :( :( :(

You are a bully, plain and simple. Whatever gender you are, you read too much into something and then bully. :/

So, no, you have nothing.
It's really simple. I have no idea what you're talking about in terms of my commenting on women objectifying Chiwetel Ojiofer. Just one link would be fine.

God damn, you are the worst kind of person.

Thank you for saying this much more succinctly than me.