
other posts on this case ( this thread and others) are misogynistic

Go take your misogyny elsewhere. You have no problem crusading against racism ( good thing) but you have a lot of fucked up misogynistic views

Because men never take the side of other men

How about the fact that his DNA was found INSIDE her?

Let all the rapists and murderers and thieves go free!

The DA wants to get elected again.

A man gets away with rape?

I laugh at people like you

I like how this discussion has turned out.

Who said I am a feminist?

You do know that without the VAWA that these things would not be around right?

Feminism is a living belief/theory and it always has been. Activists of color and trans* activists are helping it to evolve further

If we just abandoned everything that has problems ( which feminism does) then we would be left with nothing.

Show me feminists fighting for men's causes. Go ahead, find them (in good number as well). Cos I've never seen it. At best I've seen them reflexively add that they support men's causes...but only as a reflex to being questioned on the issue; never pro-actively.

No one in this comment sections i doing anything other than posting on an online forum. None of the woman hating manchilds here do jack squat to help victims

Go away manchild.

I know it must be difficult to live in such a fantasy world

Feminism, you must not know what it means.

Don't pay littledani any mind. He is a horrible mens right troll and a misogynist

Needs more cowbell