
And don’t forget “Would you like to donate a dollar to help Dartmouth students learn to read?”

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Unless my Tinder date tonight turns out to be a better murderer than my Tinder date last night.”

Ummmmm... I’m just saying, but he definitely waived all attorney client privilege by having that discussion in public where anyone could hear it. If this woman has a private attorney that is looking into a lawsuit, and you find out about it, you should absolutely call up that attorney and let him know about that phone

I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.

“MSN reports that Botha fired his rifle on the charging cows, but a fourth swept in and surprised him from the side.”


Damn but she is beautiful, though. On the outside, anyway.

Self-righteousness? Bad acting?

I don’t know what it is about Ruby Rose, but I dislike her in an unreasonable way.

**Catalina update**

You guys ever post something online and/or here and instantly regret it?

Vanessa AND Bobby?

Totino’s will forever taste sweetly melancholy.

Not since Lorena Bobbit have we encountered a woman who so efficiently disposed of a Weiner.

Oh. my. god. That expression on her face is beyond nauseating. Adoring and somehow pleading at the same time. Sums it all up, doesn’t it?

There is nothing about this family that isn’t skin-crawlingly creepy. The weird vacant expressions, the 1980s hair done to please some pervy old man, the stepford smiles, the fact that they “blanket train” (aka hit) BABIES. It’s all so weird.

Yeah, no. They’re suing to protect all the Joshes of the world.

There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.

So, when Scalia died, all my friends were like, WHOO HOO! PARTY TIME IN AMERICA! I quietly said nothing, and although I agreed with the sentiment that the SCOTUS and country are better off without him anywhere near a position of power, I recognized that he was still a human person deserving of basic human dignity (we

She’s trying so hard to make excuses for him supporting trump.