
Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever tell the police yes, when they ask if they can search your vehicle. Ever.

Ever. Ever.

I can't even begin to tell you what a fucking moron you are, but I'm sure others on here have already beat me to it. That last thing anyone wants is for this dipshit to be silenced. It does not say that in the Gawker story, nor will you find any person here asking for that. You fucking idiot. We can all agree and

"The fact that it isn't fair to lump in all environmentalists with these bozos" Exactly. Greenpeace has been taken over by the worst kind of assholes on the planet...smelly slackers. I know I sound like my grandfather when I say shit like that, but it's true. I have spent part of my job in National Parks studying

Well, since I already watched The Best Cat Fails Of This Hour, and The Best Dog Shaming Videos Of The Last 3 Days, I might as well watch this.

Having met Vonn in Girdwood, Alaska back in 2007, I can confirm that she is indeed a humorless robot....but then again, most high performing professional athletes are.

You're right. Instead, the critics and assholes just constantly call her a man though.

Deadspin Headline - "Southern Utah Player Rejected To Infinity"

They should not have had him walk off the floor. Stretcher? Wheelchair? The kid clearly has some serious shit going on.

I was you a year and a half ago. My whole life, I met people from New York, both the state and the city, and marveled at what fucking pricks they were. Because of these interactions with its people and the images of the city on the tevees, I vowed to never set foot inside the state line, let alone the city. Fast

Ahhhhh Palin as VP? Hell to the fuckin no.

Thanks Killjoy.

Tori Hunter can eat a dick...but not a gay dick....a straight one.

I'll take the, out of my hands oppression from the country I live in, but I won't willingly subject myself to any oppressive religion by choice.

Are women told their bodies are full of sin? Are women stoned to death in the name of the religion? Are gay people killed for being gay? If the answer is no, then I am totally down with Wicca.

Bill Maher is too dickish for my tastes. With that said, I hate all religions that oppress women. Soooooooooo, that's pretty much all of them. Too many bad apples in all the top religions for me. I'll be over here, not associating myself with any made up fairytale shit, not being oppressed. Thanks.

Uhhhhhhhh, did you watch a different video?

As a raging feminist, I approve of this message.

Balls. That is all.