
I get the purpose of wireless charging on something like a car mount, or even a desk stand, but can someone please give me an example of how these pucks sitting around your house are meant to be useful at all?? The wire is still *right there* where you could simply pick it up and plug it in!! Plus now you have this

I get the purpose of wireless charging on something like a car mount, or even a desk stand, but can someone please

Cheers, mate 🤙🖖

My son (9) just beat Portal this afternoon, so I’ll probably watch him play through some Portal 2, which means I’ll also *finally* get a chance to try out the co-op side of that game — really looking forward to that :D

Sounds awesome. Those kinds of epic lineups for movies are another relic of a bygone age the kids today just don't understand! 👴

You spelled Princess Daphne wrong ;)

I mean.. it has been remade 1000x already on many many platforms that don’t suffer from the limitations of the original, and it still kinda sucks. Space Ace, too. But man was it ever incredible to walk into the arcade the first time they got this cabinet in.. lineups like you couldn’t believe, and an actual fucking

haha yeah that’s pretty much why it’s always remained in the theoretical section of my cooking knowledge as well ;)

If only.

FWIW, I have it on expert authority that using rice that’s been in the fridge overnight is the key to really amazing fried rice 👌

I’ve been making pies - merangue pies, to be exact. I’ve done three so far, experimenting with different citrus to see what works best.

This garbage unit has been *almost* completely shit-piled here, but not quite: no one yet has pointed out that the idiotic cutouts in the lid that let the LP stick out on two sides will just let dust settle all over the place, rendering it an utterly useless and stupid piece of plastic that simply shouldn’t exist.

This garbage unit has been *almost* completely shit-piled here, but not quite: no one yet has pointed out that the

One day you will grow up and realize people should just play whatever games they want on whatever platform suits them, because their doing so doesn’t affect your life one iota.

475 people in Italy died over the past 24 hours, Dingus.

Oh sure, *for now*.. But just know that when the Plague Times end, and the Water Wars come, the bidet-shitters will be first against the wall.

“Soft On Demand" has to be one of the best porn company names ever.

“Must be easily recognizable as a character from a published videogame, movie, television show, or book.”

Well fuck. Now I’m gonna have to go and become obscenely wealthy

Presumably because — as it says at the top of the page — “if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale.” The point of this is only somewhat about saving us readers money..

Presumably because — as it says at the top of the page — “if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small

Glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t understand why they’re so bad at including something so basic:

“But did the apes go birdshit???”