
All those base fixes are great. Hopefully they’ll let you keep any tower bosses you already caught, but.. meh; whatever 

At least part of the reason they do this is for accessibility; not everyone sees the world the same way, and that can limit their ability to enjoy games.

Just create a Custom World. You can twizzle every aspect of the leveling and drop systems.

Even if they don’t want to do that, they are obviously running a filter to tag this mature content at the wrong point in the chain! A chain which they control to the finest detail.. If you have to police things people post from YOUR system to YOUR servers, run the stupid bot on every upload, and just don’t post the

If it’s any consolation, Age of Calamity split-screen is a pretty fun way to spend some time with your kid :)

I mean.. if your rig hasn't been infused with a little blood at some point, I can't trust you 


For once, I would like for one of these giant ‘living-universe’ games to have the guts to make the people I am being explicitly told to follow IMMEDIATELY - because there is some Cosmically-Important task that absolutely NEEDS doing - just fuck-off on the mission without me, when I decide to spend half-hour

Counterpoint? Somehow collecting Korok poop still manages to be fun. Game design is usually iterative. Nintendo has shareholders. Designers trolling players is as old as gaming ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Came to read somewhere that they are Laser Focused. Huge success.

It takes work to get there, but eventually wolf spiders will become a thing you can decide to take on in packs. It’sIt’s so worth it. The garden contains mysteries plenty worse than wolf spiders 😳

Same. I don't normally like this kind of game at all lol. It's an all-time favorite now 

I’ve been playing this with my son since nearly the start of early access, and we’re still finding tons and tons of things to do.. this game is immense and simply staggering in its details. Ludicrous grinding. Absurd! But it *never* gets stale, and somehow you always find a way to get the things you want — often in way

Sign me up for some dark Pinocchio. In the original story, Pinocchio freaks out when the cricket starts talking to him, and immediately squashes it with a book. He also gets lynched.. It’s a rough ride.

This might be the most exciting game announcement I have ever read, and I started out on a VIC-20.

I’m old enough to have played this when it was a new release, and it *was* an excellent game for the time. Not tehb3st3Var, but I always felt it deserved more way more recognition.

In extremely uncommon cases, differences in read/write speed caps may minimally impact file transfer speeds, but OS performance, loading times, game performance, and game responsiveness are identical between the x2 and x4 drives.”

You can call it many things, but this is not a coup attempt.

Great way to announce you've filled your game with bullshit!

They're waiting for you, Gordon. In the test chamber.