

Woah there don't push your politics on me, Professor Brainiac!!

Haha just once I’d like one of these jokers to surprise me with facts..


What in the fucking huh?

Wait.. what is even happening on Planet Earth right now?

Damn.. I would love to get Press Secretary money without having to work a single day. Who’s dick do I have to suck to get that jo—

My gun loving friends mostly think those guys are a bit demented.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, event attendees were not told in advance where the event is or who’s actually hosting it, and have instead been instructed to simply “arrive at a parking place in Palo Alto, from which they will be transported to the event.”

It remains to be seen how the White House will respond.


We have exactly the same issue with our public transit: no bus for twenty minutes, and then all of a sudden five in a row show up.

Hatian Creole though..

I’m sorry but this statement is redundant. “Circle jerk” implies several people, likely in a shape resembling a circle (or at least a connected line), masterbating each other.

That’s a very bad excuse, I agree. The fact that it even has to make up excuses for not being any good tells us everything we need to know about how good it is (which - just so that there can be no misunderstanding - is not good at all).

Agreed. Even ignoring the additional mass of an iron helmet bearing down on the Norse warrior, there is simply no way such hyper-extended sternocleidomastoids could support the weight of their heads; this is a shockingly inadequate document.

The new recliner type seats are a different story. I was able to get through Endgame in one of those.