Systemic failure.
Systemic failure.
I feel like like Titanic, if not the actual start, was the defining moment when every director had to have a 3 hour epic drama.
Yeah, they wish it was 1955, except for the high top marginal tax rates, broad consensus about the appropriateness of broad social welfare programs, the understanding that the 2nd Amendment protected a right to bear arms in connection with militia service and nothing more...
I would submit that this thing shouldn’t exist in a two-door config. anyway, and that anyone who buys that model is probably not buying it for any practical (ie: excellent rear visibility) reason whatsoever..
“it’s not America anymore.
I believe this joke is relevant to your interests..
I’m sure this is fun and all, but an oyster isn’t worth eating unless it comes with every single molecule of brine that was inside the shell before it was opened, and you can’t retain the brine if you’re opening them quickly. I guess you could do them over a bowl and pour the brine back, but that seems like cheating…
the Dems were, after being told there would be no votes taking place, attending memorial services honoring the heroes and victims of 9/11
If you’d ever got the chance, I’m pretty sure it would have sounded a lot like this..
I think what most people - including you - forget about HIV is that it is primarily a disease of the mind (which could be why so many people choose to forget!!). We all get frightened by things conjured up by our imaginations sometimes, but with a little positive thinking, it’s not hard to retrain our minds to simply…
What’s the big deal?? This sounds like a very healthy political party doing completely normal things because everything is perfectly fine.
You should be able to click the timestamp on the notification. It should be more obvious than that, mind you..
He likes Mike to wear the young Ivanka mask from before she had a chin.
TRUE FACT™: The sound effect of Big Bird sleeping is actually dubbed from a recording of Angela Merkel taking a nap during a particularly tedious session at the Bundestag in 1991.
Now we know how that chicken must feel.
Every tweet Trump puts out is literally an indelible component of the written history of the United States of America. Every. Single. One.
/pours one out for Carmen Sandiego
I’m not aware of any state that places limits on who can purchase a car.
we should institute annual drivers test and require background checks on any purchasing a car.