Yeah, I suppose I went a bit too far there, all things considered. Should have said he was a horrible prisoner instead ;)
Yeah, I suppose I went a bit too far there, all things considered. Should have said he was a horrible prisoner instead ;)
McCain was a huge piece of shit, a terrible pilot, a bad soldier, a spoiled brat, a shitty husband, and a worthless politician. The point is that there is no reason for anyone outside of his family to ever mention him again in any context - *especially* not the motherfucking president of the goddamn United States of…
Damnit. I’m gonna pour one out for donuts and money while we’re here.
*something something families who.. erm.. play? .. together?*
Tortellini pesto. Never had to bring any home..
Axios had a pretty amazing list of all his bullshit claims - it’s hilariously stupid, even for Trump:
A dude taking cocaine is supporting the activities of a multiple criminal organizations, some of which are likely involved in much more dangerous activities than simple cocaine trafficking.
You mean like that time Paul Manafort - as Chairman of the Trump Campaign - went on Jake Tapper’s show and tried to get him to talk about how a NATO base in Turkey had been attacked by terrorists, and yet *for some reason* nobody in the mainstream media was covering it? ... because it was actually just some bullshit…
Glad to hear you found a physical copy to watch! Hopefully the librarians there will check out Kanopy and set up a subscription - I think it’s a fairly new platform, so perhaps they simply weren’t aware of it.
Not precisely an answer to your questions, but check the selection at your local library - ours has a whole section of Ghibli films on blu-ray, and a ton of anime.
I never did come across one of these insane - and insanely badass - cabinets, but I played the absolute crap out of TOTD on the PC, and it was a total blast. Will definitely look into Nanotale.
“I quickly referred to Tim + Apple as Tim/Apple as an easy way to save time & words.”
Relax, people! He just needs them all back in time for the sick July 4 kegger he’s planning with Tobin and Squee.
Man.. the intro sequence for Temple of Doom was all kinds of fucked up, but it’s probably for the best that they deleted this scene.
Except it’s not Jezebel, you fucking cock womble.
Except it’s not Jezebel, you fucking cock womble.
“This guy is just the WORST lawyer.”
“Also, who put this road sign next to a dirt path?”
You mean UFCO...
This seems like a very good and normal thing to do with thousands of dollars.