I have a Volvo and it already knows the speed limits on all the roads around here because of the GPS. This would be pretty trivial for them to accomplish, I would think..
I have a Volvo and it already knows the speed limits on all the roads around here because of the GPS. This would be pretty trivial for them to accomplish, I would think..
Imagine waking up from a coma and finding out you're still in a coma.
Holy shit.. this guy must’ve shoved right to the front of the line the day they were giving out dicknoses.
Psssh! Talk about amateur hour - everyone knows that if your dipshit little brother is lurking around, you goddamn suck it up and watch the scrambled pay-per-view channels in your room!
“Can confirm. I am banned from Domino’s for life, in store. I still get delivery and stiff the driver every single time.”
I sure hope this guy has already eaten all his toys, because otherwise he shouldn't be playing with his food like that..
Good question!
So, “Florida Man”, as his Twitter describes him.
What a fucking nightmare for us all.
What time does the public part of this thing get underway tomorrow?
Don’t have kids. You’re going to fuck them up permanently and the rest of us will have to deal with their stupid horseshit.
“Whatam I missing? Seems like a quick google search shows both people in this video are right depending on how the MOU itself is drawn up.”
I mean.. most things will just quietly compost given enough time and the right conditions. Probably not as fun though.
LOL.. Yeah, I could only dream of being creative enough to make that shit up..
Yeah!!!!!! Why should these developers have to stop their predatory data-mining activities that benefit only a giant predatory advertising company!?!?? The users who never gave them permission to share that personal data should have to change what *they’re* doing!!
That was my first thought. Given these findings, anything with permission to access the microphone that’s also using these “App Events” could theoretically be the culprit. And of course Facebook would conveniently be able to disavow any knowledge..
I suspect it’s something along the lines of:
How do you know she wasn't good at Twitter WHILE she was tending bar?