I certainly never said anything of the sort. I’m glad governor Newsom has ordered further DNA testing because, as I *did* say, there are clearly things about this investigation and subsequent prosecution that are shady as fuck.
None of these people wants to end capitalism.
Yeah, if it turns out they put the wrong person away for this crime, then the police sure as fuck better get back to work (and to be clear - the circumstances in this particular case are sketchy as fuck, especially with regard to the actions of the police involved), and Cooper sure as fuck better be released.
OK, but there’s innocent, and then there’s whatever this guy is..
Thank you! I was trying, unsuccessfully, to write something similar - you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head here.
They perform an rap in which they implore the listener not to mess with their meat. This meat, they explain, is prepared using a variety of common methods and ingredients, and then eaten with their teeth. They are adamant that the meat is not to be messed with under any circumstances.
The performance ends abruptly, at…
“Perhaps one of the biggest problems with the licentious, creative French culture represented by sandwich store Pret A Manger is that they always want to be smarter than everyone. That goes double or even triple for their plastic spoons.”
That part really stuck out to me as well.. How the fuck is it even possible that none of those morons insisted on having a copy of the contract they just signed?
“Increasingly often I slow way down to create a buffer between myself and said 40-mph car. “
OK, but the mere presence of that stick shift, in addition to all The Dale stuff, tells me that this is a car that was probably never driven anywhere without the gas peddle permanently mashed into the floor.
Trump’s marvelling at how North Korea would be a developer’s paradise if only it were stable should tell anyone paying attention all they really need to know about his motivation for meddling over there.
That’s a hell of a nice Casio though.
“Turning your windshield wipers on when you have a smudge and there’s a bunch of us with clean cars behind you.”
Hey! You get out of that hospital, you!!
L'il Donny “Be Best” Stumpyfingers Obama.
People who, for no reason whatsoever, refuse to accelerate on the on-ramp!!
Oh, you poor darling! And all you wanted was to be walking around in a grocery store behind a family. Presumably undetected.
“The President of the United States of America was once globally hailed as ”the leader of the free world.””