
“Unseemly.” That is just the best. God I fucking *love* Bette Midler.

Per the source, “There have been rumors about Matt having affairs with subordinates at NBC for years, but those were believed to be consensual. This incident in Rio was not.

Throwing the boy off the roof is horrific.

Taxes are only for helping black Aids patients buy boats. I legit read it in a book.

Not reading a contract doesn’t mean you are not to be upheld by them. It’s not the 14 year old they are suing it’s the lying 14 year old they are suing whom, when they agreed to the terms, stated they were legal age.

“Six sniper bullets and we can have a mixed race monarchy within a generation.”

She doesn’t give a fuck about anyone she can’t see in her own mirror, so she won’t bother saying shit to him.. but I’m sure she’ll still ‘architect’ some stupidly hollow statement to make it seem like she’s ever so terribly ‘complicit’ about the children with all those dreams of theirs.

Granted, this racist asshole will probably try to claim that there are racist assholes who are far, far worse than them, BUT.. why do these stupid racist fuckwits always try to pretend they’re just asking the most perfectly innocent of questions because they’re just so very curious about the world? Are they really

Live walking-distance from a theatre that has online seat selection and reclining seats.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

Absolutely. There are plenty of completely legitimate reasons to hate on these two assholes, but is the guy with his name on all the money really not going to take a photo with one of the first sheets?? COME ON!!

Why is SHE there?

I’ve daydreamed of naming my future daughter, should I have one, Anaelle.

The gif fits.

“I take thousands of photos at the state fair surrounded by hundreds of people, and I certainly don’t remember taking this picture,” Franken said in a statement to CNN. “I feel badly that Ms. Menz came away from our interaction feeling disrespected.”

Please, refer to them always as The United States of Americans. They don’t get to fucking hold title over North, Central, and South America while that putrid old turd remains in office.

HAHAHA check out this guy!