
OK, OK. I’ll open a tab for right now.

Dude.. What are you talking about?? The primary source is Louis.

Umm.. The source is his dick being in his hand and him jacking off to completion before any of these women even knew what the fuck was going on.

They should just tell it like it is: show a montage of newspaper headlines detailing how it turns out Francis has been a predatory sexual molester and pedophile for decades, Clair kicked his ass to the curb, and everyone hates him now.

The United States of America is so fucking whacked out.

Perhaps those that take the cake are the local Republican officials that the Toronto Star’s Daniel Dale spoke with, who made some truly repugnant attempts to rationalize the allegations away.

If I were the Dems I would throw Doug Jones a shit ton of money and link every Republican, Senate and otherwise, to Roy Moore.

You don’t wear a winter jacket open for style.

Have you actually seen some of the promo photos? He’s wearing it open like a biker jacket. If you have some historical evidence to back that up I’d be very interested in seeing it.

$32M was to ONE woman.

It’s a matter of practicality. Congress is not physically capable of declaring war at a speed necessary to mount a response. Even if they were actively in session in the chamber, the delay is still intolerable.

Definitely not. The vampires are highly reflective, and therefore reduce the warming effect of sunlight. If we could place enough vampires around the world, they might reflect enough solar radiation to substantially reduce global climate change.

*as of November 7, 2017

The Values Coalition, a group supporting Smith, sponsored a Facebook ad claiming Lyles endorsed “a radical national LGBT agenda.”


The curious case of Sen. Rand Paul’s out-of-nowhere assault by his Bowling Green, Kentucky neighbor
