
He had also been Governor of California, which, governmentin’ wise, ain’t nothin’,

Year 1: Expand
Years 2-4: Shrink radically as he decomposes after suffering a massive heart attack the first time he actually has to make an important decision.

So, the whole time?

Sorry for the non sarcastic unfunny take, but Bryant’s huge grin while still in the act of fielding that last out is everything.

Look, I’m not saying I blame her. Full disclosure, I’m pretty embarrassed by it too. I start laughing, and I. Can. Not. Stop. Like, after the joke has been over for a minute and a half and he’s on to the serious bit, and I still can’t catch my breath because I’m still laughing so hard. And yeah, it’s a comedy show,

My wife won’t actually let us go see him anymore, because every time we do, I laugh so hard that I embarrass her. And I’m not a “big laugh” guy, I just...can’

And right there is where you run into the real problem (or maybe I’m concern trolling, idk) with Fox News and the conservative media nutjob factory. Bill Clinton can’t be that popular, after all Newt got him impeached! Just like the current president is “the most unpopular in history” when his approval ratings have

I’m sure this is getting said all over this thread, but this shit has to stop. Several kids at my son’s school had to go to the school social worker because they were so freaked out. Like they were legit terrified, not just playing “spooky story.”

It was funny for like a day, you douchebags, now cut it out.

I regret that I have but one star to give...

Americans are libertarian when it’s reduced to ridiculously simplistic bumper stickers like “socially inclusive (with no mechanism for ensuring such) yet wanting freedom from overbearing government (like, say clean water and air regulations”

The modern Libertarian party is Grover Norquist smoking pot.

Let me try:

You mean the TOTALLY BIASED OBAMA JUSTICE DEPARTMENT? They want to use their political cronies in DC to go around the will of the people?!?!? Sad!

I mean, he’s pretty much said this overtly in a sliiiiiightly different context, when he said he knew how “the system” worked because he’d bought so many politicians in the past.

The best jokes are always the ones you have to explain multiple times...

(I kid, we’ve all been there)


“It’s a 13 year deal”

What’s with this Friday afternoon Premier League? Is this a thing?

Thanks in part to the vending machine in my office and a healthy dollop of low self-esteem, I ate Nutty Bars every got-damned day for like 4 years.

Not sure this qualifies as a hot take but if they just changed the offside rule in soccer to say that, rather than having any part of you “over the line” you just have to have your pinkie toe (or any other part) even with the dude, then scoring goes up like 20%.

Fisk’s HR...which I hated because I was a Reds fan. If there was a god, that ball woulda gotten hit by a freak breeze and gotten knocked down in play, and he’d have gotten thrown out at first. (Not really, I know).

This is one of those events that, if you added up every person who claimed they were there that night, the attendance would’ve been more like 2,000,000. I’ve had at least 2 co-workers who claimed to have been running around in the outfield who I figure would’ve been like 4 years old at the time.