
Burneko you gonna write about food ever again? ‘Twas good stuff...

I’d go more like 60-40, but one thing I think we can all agree on is “thank god this didn’t happen in the NFL because the takes would’ve melted steel beams.” As it was, I thought the TSN guys were remarkably levelheaded and one of them even called out the coach for flopping.

Agreed with most of what you said until I saw the replay from the other angle. Carter actually backs up to avoid the contact, and the coach bumps him. Fuck that coach, I hope he got a wicked field turf burn on his Dockers.

Thank you for bringing that up...I came here to express a tiny little there-but-for-the-grace-of-God empathy for her parents, because I know how difficult it can be to look at your kid and say “not good enough.” Anybody who doesn’t think that’s tough to do either doesn’t have kids or doesn’t understand what being a

Expected, but solid. +1 referendum

Awww, it’s OK England, we’ll invite you to come to the next Gold Cup. You’ll feel right at home.

I think the point I’m getting here is that you were shitty at your job.

It would be just so USMNT to stage a heroic effort against Argentina, gut out a sloppy, choppy, unappealing 0-0 draw, win in PKs, then get beat 4-1 by Mexico in the Final.

Glad it’s not just times it sounded like Dellacamera was imploring them to cut back live with his voice. I almost threw something at the TV when we saw a full :15 of Bedoya looking pained for not getting anything on his shot in super slo-mo while the ball was in play.

No joke, man. I was all set to try to take my son to a game at Soldier Field...the semifinal that does NOT feature the USMNT, nosebleeds that are barely in the same zip code as the pitch start at $125 for singles right now.

I also like that, if delivered to a reasonably self-aware person, they can’t 100% be sure you aren’t being condescending. It’s genius.

Joe Shlabotnik doesn’t have the control to K 3 guys, he definitely pitches to contact...

I once stumbled onto a really effective tactic for the human Twitter eggs. Several years ago a co-worker was going off on some ridiculous political rant (hint: this guy is probably really enthused about Making America Great Again). I barely looked up from my desk and said “well, you’re free to be completely wrong

Ok, your “family” argument is pedantic to the point of uselessness, because I of course meant “the specific part of a family that involves having children.” Which you may have been able to tease out of the fact that this is a conversation about having children, not about the meaning of family.

As for “you were a child

Sooo, having a kid and a family is important to some people, yet you refuse to acknowledge that or join in because of your own preferences. Cool story bro, I bet you’re an awesome friend to start with.

then you’re a bad friend and a bad person. Suck it up, dickhead, you were a kid once too, and people had to deal with your sorry ass.

I mean, if what they are is a team that beats the crap out of shitty CONCACAF teams, pulls out a fluke against your titans once in a while, and reliably qualifies for the World Cup, I’m not un-ok with that.

Isn’t it just “Best Ever” fatigue? I mean, Federer was the best ever, (except for maybe Nadal was going to be?), and he took over from Sampras as the best ever, who took over from...Christ, I dunno, Ivan Lendl? Point being, this is 3-4 straight “Best Ever” candidates that take us back to the early 90s.

The only remotely compelling argument I can come up with against walking him (and even this is purely anecdotal) is that twice in the span of a week, the best player on my kid’s team struck out with at least 2 men on and 2 outs down a run b/c he was trying to hit the ball to South America.

It honestly depends on the league. Is it an “everybody plays, we don’t really keep score and there are no standings” league? Then no matter what the age, intentionally walking him is a dick move. But if it’s even a mildly competitive league with standings, hell yeah you walk him.

(BTW, no judgment intended on either