
Not sure if that’s “arrogance” or “a keen sense of history” but hey, to-may-to, to-mah-to...

From the highlights, though, it kinda looked like the Mariners were hitting good pitches, maybe? I dunno, that’s just a shit-ton of hits, but the only meatball was the Lee dinger.

Hi Mr. Gingrich, don’t you have a zoo to visit or something?

Either that or Pete Johnson breaks the plane and they complete the massive comeback in the other one.

I think they extended his contract a few extra years once he moved to radio just because they knew they’d have to cover the cost of his PTSD from working TV with Hawk for several years.

Prob looking for a Cincinnati chili connection to make...

Burneko is seething with rage at his keyboard, unable even to being typing his 6,000 word retort, isn’t he?

Oooh, it’s usually called like a “Fros-T-Malt” or something like that where you’re pretty sure it’s misspelled for legal reasons.

It’s 4th. Definitely 4th on this list.

+$5 footlong

Wow, this got cross-posted to Jalopnik pretty fast.

“Yes! It’s our time now, baby!”

Hey, when we send in the rescue team to pick up Katie, can somebody invite those two nice Canadian guys along? I still kinda like them...

So did you get autocorrected from “racial” minority, or is there such a thing as a “practical” minority and I’m just privilege-blinded by it?

Thanks for this. Uncle Verne seemed to imply that it was Holmes’ choice whether to move it back or play it from where it ended up.

Good point. I also had chores and such, but they were much more based around cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc (both my parents worked, and worked weird hours sometimes). So for me, that stuff came more naturally.

And yet it seems young to me. I worked two jobs so long that I never learned this stuff til my 30s.

If you live somewhere that requires a car, or even if you live somewhere with abundant public transit and you just like having a car, you should learn to change a tire and how to jump a battery. You can’t always rely on roadside assistance.

I mean, if that reminds you of your ophthalmologist, he's doing it wrong.

Couldn’t sleep for DAYS after we watched this in school...

Right now I guarantee you Burnenko and Magary are going best of 3 thumb-wrestling for who gets to write the “Toast is Garbage” post.