
Ok but what about the saxophone? 

Right. We agree on that. I was expressing my opinion and you expressed yours. Cheers. 

I think you’re misconstruing my point. What made Blurred Lines horrible and despicable was the rapey lyrics. But that’s not what sets it apart from a lot of other popular songs, which is why I said it was what made it notable and newsworthy. Of course it’s reprehensible for other reasons. Both things can be true. 

For the record, I think the Gaye plagiarism stuff is actually more notable and newsworthy. That trial (extremely poorly decided imho) potentially opened up a giant can of worms that could severely harm artists for decades.

I’m like you in that I can’t do cringe-y. May I suggest, when things like that (especially music numbers) happen...turn on captions and mute the sound. You get the jist without having to experience it, then after the episode you can (but don’t have to!) go back and try watching it. The sting is out of it the second

“Redolent of thwart” is my second favorite Tomism of the season, because yet again, he has NO CLUE how to react to what’s being proposed, so his brain says “comment without really saying anything” and he vomits that out.

(My favorite Tomism from the season was when Logan floated the Pierce acquisition and Tom, having

I think that answer is spot on if it’s 1998, but there are a whole generation of fans (raises hand) who have grown up reading about the actual game (and not “playing with intensity and passion and fire” bullshit) and would love to have analysts actually analyze what they saw.

It was so awkward and yet so perfect and then I dearly loved Tom, who has made a career out of responding without answering, essentially calling out her stupidity with “so explain the chess move there...”

I don’t want to be a pedant here (full disclosure: I absolutely want to be a pedant here) but it doesn’t say “getting a hit” it says “hitting an MLB pitch,” which means fouling one off would count, meaning in theory you could sort of half throw the bat out across the plate like a swinging bunt kind of deal.

Not that it matters, but people in Cincinnati also call the convergence of OH, KY and IN the “Tri-State Area”

While I swear freely at all times of day and night, just for the sake of variety, or when I can’t decide on which bomb to drop, I’ll go full Yosemite Sam and fake-grumble-curse, which I believe phonetically would come out as “bragga-fragga-ragga-(unintelligible).

Also, piping hot take, the Jim Carrey Grinch isn’t all

Nah they make you give the javelin back.

I know, I was surprised too...

Yeah but do the colleges really want this? Something about buying a cow, something something milk for free?

Another issue you’ll never solve with Spring’ve just spent the past 5-6 weeks watching the best of the best playing in do-or-die circumstances. The annual Week 17 Virtual Play-In Game Between Two 9-6 Teams, Wild Card, Divisional, Championship and then Super Bowl. Then you’re supposed to get excited

It’s Doc Emrick for me but that doesn’t make you wrong. 

As a dude who is a huge fan of the 3/4 length running tights they sell these days, I have often said I would gladly support the complete and total upending of the patriarchy if, in exchange, it became socially acceptable for men to wear tights/leggings/yoga pants in public.  

Or, we could all just stop being uptight assholes and live and let live. 

Putting skeeball that low is clearly just trolling.

Then why do they call it a Coolatta, huh? Explain that one, Mr. SmartyElectricSexPants.

McConnell is from KY not WV. Sorry to be that guy.