
I also have the luxury of going to a gym that’s inside a 3,000 year old YMCA, so really, I’ve never generated anything past the baseline funk.

Napping: couch, TV on, but blanket only over the feet, and the remote safely tucked under my arm so the wife, (who naps in the bed for 3-4 hours on a weekend sometimes,) doesn’t come downstairs and get any funny ideas about turning it off.

But about the workout clothes...Drew, are you telling us you’re commando under

I’m sure you know this already, but Northwestern had their very good kicker (Sam Valenzisi) miss the Rose Bowl because he tore up his knee celebrating a good kickoff. Not a GW FG, not a tying extra point, but a kickoff.

And, not for nothing, one he would be totally on board with...

My thought exactly. It’s more like “I don’t understand why petulant babies like sports beat reporters whine somewhat less petulantly about players who do their jobs for them after the worst moments of their career”

Becuase hey Blair? I know this is a crushing personal and professional failure on your part, and this

There’s always some asshole who says “I know he’ll get over 75%, and since NOT EVEN BABE RUTH WAS UNANIMOUS, NO ONE SHOULD BE”

I love that your realization and your “holy shit I gotta do something” moment and your “actual doing something” were that far apart. I lost about 80 pounds that same year (I’ve backslid 20-25, but I’m working on it now). My “holy shit” moment was chest pains (really indigestion) from a Helmet-Catch-Super-Bowl binge

When I was a kid I was allergic to milk (or maybe lactose intolerant and that’s what they called it in the 70s?) so I always had to eat cereal dry. I’d say I still prefer it that way, which I guess I sort of do except what it really made me do is hate cereal forever.

Think of that one all by yourself, did ya?

So. Don’t. Fucking. Click.

Mr. Martin, FFS, stop reading Gawker and go write something.

They’re only paying lottery winners because there was a class action suit and they have to pay with interest.

ha ha ha ha ha ha...go fuck yourself.

Ky is fortunate he doesn’t live in Illinois. I forgot mine when I bought a new car (the old one expired on my birthday in July, so the new one expiring in Feb was incredibly easy to forget). It finally got pointed out to me by a helpful member of the local constabulary. That $30 ticket was followed by a $100 late fee,

I’d just like to say that the Slanket is awesome, unlike that stupid cheap Snuggie, and I’ll fight anyone who says diffr’nt

My go-to line about him is that he’s the trust fund kid whose dad is forcing him to do a summer internship at a law firm. He doesn’t want to be there, and the law firm sure as hell doesn’t want him. But his dad is their biggest client, so he knows he just has to give the barest of effort and only snort coke at lunch

I didn’t have the sound all the way up, but were they booing the kid that won the Dr. Pepper scholarship football toss thingy? I mean, it sure sounded like it. It wouldn’t have anything to do with his last name being Garcia, would it?

I just thought Season 1 tracked too closely with the movie, so you kind of knew what direction things were going to go. This season has actually had me watching same-day, because I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen.

How on earth is Fargo going to top this season? I mean...

I only knew who he was because, at least if the FB post is accurate, he’s the cousin/nephew (don’t remember which) of a kid I went to elementary school with.