
You are a monster. I had JUST taken off my headphones.

Yeah, but MST3K usually picked 50s and 60s movies, didn’t they?

What makes it worse is that the NFL is supposedly a league of no-excuses accountability. Hey, that linebacker gouged your eye and grabbed your nuts after tackling you, but the ref didn’t see it? The gentle shove you give him after the whistle is still a 15 yard penalty and you’re going to have to hear about how

I saw it once on Wide World of Sports and stood, slack-jawed in amazement for the entire 45 minutes or however long it was. I was maybe 9 or 10, and thank god one other kid caught a few minutes of it, because none of my friends would believe me.

My 11 yo just discovered the magical properties of the voluntary 2 hour car nap. First of all, 25-33% (depending on which grandparent’s house we’re going to) of the trip disappears in the blink of an eye, and since my wife is usually also asleep, that means automatic no-questions-asked green light for a movie on the

I’m pretty sure the hope is just to make a good faith effort to inform their readers.

I’ve got no dog in this fight, because I’m a very VERY casual gamer. But what you describe as “a journalistic article” sounds exactly like a PR piece written by the company itself.

Honestly, the best part of Facebook is that you can arms-length “keep up” with people (mostly HS and college friends, or friends of friends that you kinda like). If you’re an introvert and despise going to random parties where you know 3 of the 50 people like me, it’s cool.

However, for your particular issue, one of the Gawker sites posted a “how to travel by yourself” post a few months back. Pretty good stuff.

Being single and in your 20s, this may be lost on you, but of my long break, I’ll get two-TWO-whole days of those two weeks where my wife has to work and yet my kid will be at his grandparents’ house. I don’t need Christmas presents.

re xmas: I know a lot of people don’t have any such option, but I fiercely guard a couple of vacation days, then purchase myself the longest continuous break possible with what I have left (can’t carry them over). I hit the jackpot this year...2 full weeks.

I’ve managed to maintain a pretty good work people whatsoever (and I ignore all friend requests from co-workers).

In my family, we’re purists about Christmas music...not until the last person finishes dessert on Thanksgiving night (and then only for a few minutes because we gotta get up from the table to watch the night football game). And it’s not because I don’t love Christmas music...I have more of it in my iTunes than any

With God as my witness, I thought that's what I had typed. Because that is correct.

Look, I know the hot take culture has gotten way out of control, and there are some things that no human should defend, but I’m gonna go ahead and do it anyway.

I am bad at Kinja. Reply supposed to be for the comment you replied to...

It’s a couple things, one of which you touched on...most people who have any sort of “flexibility” in their work situation understand that for every 1 hour of benefit you get in flexibility, you “owe” the company 2 hours of extra time somewhere else (give or take).

Well, you certainly seem to be an expert! Thanks for your super-educated opinion!

I feel like maybe I’m being Captain Obvious here, but I think it’s because while you have time to find out you have the next Aaron Rodgers, you really don’t have time to figure out you have the next Blaine Gabbert.

If only there were NFL licensed carabiners and ropes sold at the concession stands for 10X the usual price, these guys would’ve never been allowed in with that.