
...but those two protesters would be #1 and 2 in the GOP presidential race.

“Hello there coach, I’d like to ask you a question about something that drives maybe 30-40% of the demand for your very livelihood...can you maybe not be a dick about it and just say thank you instead?”

I doubt they’ll bother. Dez=Bad Guy is too easy of a lazy narrative, because he’s a “highly paid” “prima donna” “head case” (by which I mean an African American WR)

Cool hot take. More pumpkin for me.

Then don’t. Really, who gives a shit what you do? Dude’s just trying to help you out.

Hey you saw that one other blog post!

Actually you got a link to that, ‘cause I couldn’t find it this morning...

I’m not taking this out on you per se, but at everyone who’s been on about this for the last three years...who the fuck cares if there’s lens flares? It’s his thing, let him have it. If you want a thing, become a successful director like him and then YOU GET YOUR OWN THING.

Oh I completely agree with that part of your comment, I just reject the notion that Han and Luke and Leia aren’t important to them.

You could not be more wrong (at least if you count my 11 year old as a younger audience). He’s already having nightmares that they’re going to kill Luke and Han.

Yeah, tbh I wasn’t envisioning the numbers accurately there. Plus, I went upstairs and counted, and I’m at about 25, which is kind of a lot but I want different styles around.

That’s a lot, but the reasoning is sound. I had a lot more when I was laundromat-dependent, too..

Secondary dudes have fewer/more pair than ladies on average? I think storage issues would demand fewer (i.e. more mass in a pair of boxer briefs), which would explain why the drawer in my dresser which is

Two things I know: that punter will be enrolled at a community college in Livonia by next weekend, and Harbaugh is gonna kill a drifter tonight.

Dude, we get it. You know the rules of rugby.

but then why should the defense be rewarded for not recovering the ball?

it was either the baseball gods evening things up after the Rangers took the lead on a fluke...

C’mon man, Babe Ruth pulled his dick out and thwacked it against the catcher’s chest protector* after a home run in 1931...and we’re mad about a bat flip?

(*I mean, he COULD HAVE. We don’t know now, do we?)

A lot of us on our team don’t carry ourselves that way

I got blackmailed into coaching a kid’s 1st grade basketball team. The kids were tiny and hopeless so the coaches were on the court with them (most exhausted I've ever been as an adult, but I also have anxiety issues about being in charge). What being on the court did do is allow me to give a death glare at the one

Obviously you're right, but I think even in sane places the incidence of idiots is higher in football/lacrosse and maybe hockey, though with hockey you get both extremes...the nicest people in the world and the biggest assholes.

This is insane. Other than a couple of parents who (probably because they don’t know the game) cheer s little too loudly when their kid gets on base/scores a goal because the other team fucks up rather than because of what their kid does well, we’ve never ever had anything remotely like this (or like the horrors other