
Actually, it’s more about being asked the same simple question over and over for 25 years. Imagine if I called you every few days and asked you if the forks went on the left or the right of the plate, or if it was Lenny or Squiggy that Michael McKean played...hundreds upon hundreds of times...

Grantland has no comment section.

I think that comes from a natural assumption that sports fans skew right. (Note I didn’t say true assumption, I don’t know.)

Oy fucking vey, the time zone thing. I live in the Central time zone, and have for 25 years. My dad has never lived anywhere but the Eastern time zone. At least once a month I find myself wanting to scream “IT’S ONE FUCKING HOUR DAD...ONE HOUR, SAME AS IT’S BEEN FOR TWENTY-FIVE FUCKING YEARS. IF THE GAME STARTS AT 8

“People are just upset and angry and throwing her under the bus.,” he said. “If we didn’t win, why do you deserve to get paid? If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

I did, and maybe I made one leap too many, but the point is maintained. Your assumption is that if you’re facing the person, you’re somehow being more humane than if you’re just tweeting at them. I say that’s not necessarily true, because even if you’re standing in front of them, it’s still your job to ask them

Assumes facts not in evidence. It’s still his job even if the victim’s mom is a crying unholy mess. And the fact that you don't recognize this means you prefer the sanitized fairy tale.

No, no they don’t think that losing makes them likable. That is and always has been a media thing.

The second part, well, maybe.

Funny...every Cub fan I know was rooting (some of them hard) for the Sox in 2005. Most of the Sox fans I know pretended the baseball season in August. The remaining ones are rooting for the Cardinals.

I expect to see a .5% increase in “ARMY STRONG” ads at halftime as a result of this change. This is just Flake grandstanding, which seems like his specialty.

re: the bad Scotch: I’m a moderate beer snob, and my father-in-law always brings me whatever godawful flavored or Super Extra Heavy Dark Porter he can cobble together out of the Make Your Own 6 Pack at his grocery store that isn’t Corona or Heineken. Because I appreciate the gesture and the effort, I wait until I’m

So the “Better Know an Umpire” series was great, but can anyone honestly answer the question...who the fk would ever want to be an umpire (or, for that matter, referee, official, etc)? I get it at the youth want to help out kids, sometimes starting with your kid’s league, but then you stick around to help

I honestly can’t decide which would be worse: that a guy I like watching (a lot, admittedly) did something horrible like this, or that someone made up that he did. Either way, the consequences are terrible. If he did it, well, goodbye to him AND it’d just another chip away at something I do (i.e. watch sports) in

6. Give the quarterback a fucking gun.

Let’s not forget, he also gets to go home and bang Olivia Munn.

So how’s YOUR life working out?

1960. But A for effort.

He’s like me talking to a girl at the bar...

Come on everybody, this is a human being who is going through a painful and humiliating process and who is entitled to his pri...

Totally unwritten, and forged over a few years of trial and error. Then, pretty much every time we planned more than a few days ahead, someone would get sick, or more than one of us wouldn’t be up for it, etc.

The last minute thing tends to tamp down expectations, as in hey, we just decided to do this yesterday, I’m

i don’t get it.