
That’s a fair point. But I always thought Marty was being played as a rube who just didn’t “get” Rust. Tomato, tomahto, I guess.

Exactly, “Time is a flat circle” is no dumber than “Everything is fucking.”

But it was cool to like the show last year, even if like many other Quality Shows from the Golden Age of Cable Dramas, most of the idiots watching were focusing on the wrong things (i.e. “Who is the Yellow King?” is to 2014 as “Who’s Tony

When we adopted our son (2005), it meant two 12+ hour flights to and from Moscow within ~6 weeks. Somehow, all 4 flights featured the movie trilogy of Lemony Snickets, National Treasure and Elektra.

This movie kinda snuck up on me, so I heard about the very basic premise (‘80s video game characters invade Earth) and that’s all I heard. And I was into it, thought “hey, big budget summer movie...that could work!” It wasn’t until several weeks later (about a week ago) that I heard it was Sandler. Talk about the

and servers genuinely love taking tables with well-behaved kids

Nah, I’m 190 on a good day and haven’t had a good day for a couple years. it’s not about being drunk, it’s just (as the grown-ups used to say when we were kids) it takes the edge off. You’re still in control of all your mental faculties, you’ve just relaxed a little.

We are. You called me a crazy person (lovingly, though, i can tell). I agreed with the fact that I am, indeed a crazy person. But you know what? Last night, I actually snuck a beer into the office at 6PM, and drank it while I worked, and it was NEARLY AS MAGICAL.

Not surprised about the bottom one...I remember liking Arte Moreno at first because at his introductory press conference, he complained about the price of beer at the stadium.


Show us on the doll where the bad network touched you, Barry.

No one denies this.

I’m almost entirely with you on waiting to drink until your day is done, but just last night, my wife, who is starting a new job, met me for a beer at the place around the corner from my office at about 5:30 so she could tell me about her first-ish day (long story). Thanks to the fact that it’s a hellish week at my

Albert, I want you to know how great I think this is so badly, that even if I had not literally laughed out loud several times throughout my initial reading of it, I would be willing to fraudulently claim that I had literally laughed out loud. As the kids do. Or so I’m told.

Not great, but I like the hustle. B+

Shorter you: See, an apple is like one thing but an orange is a totally separate thing, yo!

I demanded nothing. I said nothing more productive would come of it. Reading is hard, no?

Really, do you frequently air your biggest failures with thousands of others and invite them to pick the situation apart for a week?

Drew: (fumes)

Was just scrolling down to type that sentiment myself. Whew.

(in response to “I want...”)