
As the parent of a kid with both what Mike Mayock would call a “high motor” AND ADHD, this list is invalid unless #1-7 are all “Slow down”

Can we airlift Rob Stone and JP Dellacamera out of there? I don’t care if they end up on BeIn or NBCSN or whatever...

Haven’t seen a guy named Burress call out a polarizing figure on his hypocrisy, um, (Cosby rape drug joke)

Congratulations! You’ve trolled your 1000th ISIS account...please enjoy the hacked nude photo of the celebrity of your choice.

Not to make this about me (which means I am), but goddamn it why did I turn this match off at halftime?

No, I was about to say it but I typed it instead.

There were many days I’d have welcomed that fate.

I was just about to say the thing about buckling in a car. We have friends whose kids are a couple years younger than ours, and when we’d go places with them, it was sooooo incredible to say “hey, get in the car” when he was like 6 and we’d look over and our poor friends would be all hunched over with the car seats... or may not have an outline of that in an old notebook from when I was unemployed. Complete with crooked FBI agent who helped the mobster find me deciding to help the dad character take him down.

As someone who adopted a Russian orphan, I say just try and come get him, Vlad.

(secretly one of my biggest fears, though, that he was the hidden love child of some notorious Russian mobster who would come to the US to find his only living heir...)

I’m one of like 8 people that’s gonna get that. Georgia Tech, right?

Look, if you’re trolling, it’s lazy trolling, and if you’re ironying, it’s a little opaque.

My bad. Cheers.

Needs moar reading comprehensionness.

Well put, and please excuse the bluntness, but you’re not the one I’m talking to here.

The long distance strike from Lloyd was the best, just because he genuinely sounded surprised. Usually, there’s a been-there-done-that quality (because he has) to his goal calls, but that one sounded very much like him saying “holy shit, she just did that!”

So, on a post showing videos of thousands upon thousands of people in different cities showing up specifically to watch the event (not at the venue the event is happening at, but at viewing parties and random bars), your contention is that it will never catch on. Truly a sizzling hot take, bro.

And I almost didn’t post this, because I thought “ok, maybe on this particular post, they’re being ironic?” But no. I suppose we just have to listen to how all these people are just pretending to care.

I know it’s too much to ask, but can all the “lulz, real ‘muricans don’t care ‘bout no soccer” fuckwads just take a day off, maybe go for a walk?

Yeah, it was a Nixon thing, but I’m pretty sure it was used as a joke, at least when it was done in 1988. I clearly remember that year (yes I am an Old) people being uninspired by G.H.W. Bush, and that was the year the Democratic field was referred to as “The Seven Dwarves” (Dukakis, Jesse, Biden, Gephardt, Simon,