
I mean, how dumb do you have to be to say “let’s give this guy a show with no predetermined format...sure hope he don’t say nuthin’ controversial!”

The White Sox will never re-build the traditional way as long as Jerry Reinsdorf is alive.

However this game ended, I’m just happy the WWC is almost over. Not because I don’t like Women’s soccer, I’m just sick to death of the “Don’t you mean Germany is better? ITS NOT A PLURAL NOUN I WENT TO 10TH GRADE!!!!11!!!oneoneone!!”

I hear Saskatoon has a great replica of the Empire State Building in the works...

And I can say “Saskatchewan” without crackin’ a smile...

Re: Annexing BC-

Primarily so they can express how awesome and not-at-all-selfish-bastards they are for not having their own kids (yet), but YMMV.

BillyColeSlaw regrets the error.

The worst are the “well, when I was a kid, I’d have never been allowed to act like that, my parents would never allow it.”

Ok, first, you probably weren’t flying as a kid, because when I was a kid, flying was hella expensive and only for really rich people on vacation or business people, and second of all, the fuck

The only exception to this rule is “we’re 30 mins late and you only had 45 mins between connections.” And even then, dude...

I’m not that tall, but the angle those seats are typically at kill my already iffy back, especially if we’re going to be in the air more than 2 hours. I seek clearance from the person behind me by saying I totally wouldn’t do this otherwise, then recline like 2”. It doesn’t take much to change the angle enough that it

Once when my whole department was flying to Orlando, I had a very dumb co-worker lady say “people with kids should drug their kids before every flight. It’s just common courtesy.”

(Mostly) non-serious answer: How ‘bout the President federalize the SC National Guard, and have about 50 of those BAMFs show up with M-16s, a ladder, and a set of bolt cutters. Two to hold the ladder, one to do the cutting, and 47 to stand there and say “stop us, motherfucker, go ahead...”

Well, in this case I’d say it was conservatives who know better but who are intentionally dumbing it down to score political points and “win” this argument. They know better (or should), but they see an opportunity to exploit people’s short attention spans and lack of critical thought for their advantage. It’s

Totally not going to yell at you. Linguists make a distinction between “use” and “mention.” For purposes of dialing down the heat, let’s assume the word in question is “doodyhead” and not the one we’re actually talking about.

I am 100% positive there is a douchnozzle White Sox fan getting ready to use this against a Cubs fan co-worker right this very second.

Also from The Flash, on TV, like 10 days ago (ok, maybe it ended last month, my DVR is kinda full)

I got turned around on this stuff recently. I was bitching that these stats (launch speed, bat speed, etc) were meaningless because we had no, that guy swings at 111mph? Is that fast? It sure sounds fast, but I don’t know if that’s the fastest or not, so it might be that some other guy swings 180mph,

I didn’t watch a ton of this tournament, mostly for personal schedule reasons, so I can’t comment on the greens too much. But their complaints would carry more weight with me if we didn’t hear them every single year at the US Open, or any major where the winning score isn’t -14.

Drunk hockey-er is drunk