
That one’s easy. It’s the 2nd most consequence-free thing we can all feel free to get judgy about that we think means something about that person, when it’s really just an uninteresting fact about them.

Nah, the best is how blue sundress lady immediately goes all Jackie Kennedy-in-the-convertible and tries to cover him up as though there’s a second shooter. But she doesn’t spill her drink, which makes her a hero.

As always, the guys who take it well are the absolute best. Draymond Green looked like he wanted to call that tweet racist, except maybe yeah, I do kinda look like that, and that’s pretty damn funny.

I mean, when the picture popped up on the screen, we all went “oh jesus, Drew, what did you do now,” right? Or was that just me (twice)?

It’s the classic racist/phobic/conservative tactic...dumb it down, then lie about it just a little bit.

I was an involuntary stay at home dad while I looked for a job, and the playground shit (while not nearly as bad as you described) was still ridiculous.

Now playing

Something tells me he’s got an autographed get out of jail free card...

As always, spot on. I’ve had good results getting cat-pee smell out with Resolve carpet cleaner, including once on the outside of a small roller-bag suitcase.

Hmmm, that doesn’t sound safe. We’ll probably just have to remove them for separate cleaning.

But are we sure? Maybe we should try, just to make sure.

It’s the cliche to end all cliches, but look at the contact, he really absolutely truly got all of that one. That was...impressive.

That's good hustle for that late.

I am both saddened and thrilled that I was not the only one to think of this. That poor bastard is going to be blasting the “Wicked” soundtrack at a stoplight near you.

Personally, I would adjust that to read all sexuality, full-stop. They may fear non-traditional and female sexuality more, but they are terrified of the things that their own urges cause them to want, or do, and the lengths they’ll go to suppress those urges (even the so-called “normal” ones, i.e. straight-male

And let’s see if TLC will actually provide the victims some meaningful professional help.

I think what it shows is that human beings can be inconsistent and even borderline hypocritical, even on topics they think are important, and thus we should never assume that anyone’s take on something is absolutely correct.

Agreed that that account is gold, but at some point, wouldn’t it be best if it just merged with @YesYoureRacist? Looooooooootta overlap there.

I thought he was only calling the first two, with Doc and Edzo taking over at least 3-4. But you’re right, he’s gawdawful.

That’s incredible in that by most accounts Shaw has never intentionally used his head for anything before.