
You forgot the DURRRRR at the start of your comment.

Thanks for your thoughts Mr. Skipper, have a good weekend!

Sadly, you don’t get by it. You start at the bottom somewhere (like administrative or customer service), and you prove to the real people (as opposed to HR people, who are their own subspecies and possibly not organic life) that you get to know over the course of months or years in the department you’d rather be in

I get that, but two things:

Since I assume you aren’t talking about Arsenal soccer fans, what are gunners?

That’s a fair point, and I wasn’t slagging accounting majors really, but either it attracts a certain type of person, or the curriculum itself reinforces a a lack of interpersonal skills, and they wear it almost as a badge of pride that they can’t find a complete written sentence with two hands and a flashlight. First

Re: Death Row Diarrhea... I got five bucks says they strap a diaper on you anyway, so your request would be met with “let er rip”

On the one hand, I’m team Learn For The Sake Of Learning. But that’s not an absolute. If you think you want to be an engineer, you aren’t going to get there by way of an art history major.

I think the killing off of a character every once in a while keeps the stakes acceptably high. It’s like how watching sports movies is pretty boring now because you KNOW the home team is going to complete that Hail Mary with :00 left on the clock. So I endorse the fact that there’s some legit suspense in that

It’s interesting that you cite Hawkeye as the dullest character who is thus a surprising emotional center. My mileage, as this kidz say, varies.

Bengals Fan (Starts typing “KiJana Carter”)

I got ten bucks says Slate.

Yeah, I saw this one too...wait, you said “Cats and Banners.” right?

Took me a minute to figure out where I’d seen almost this exact same scenario recently, it was my kid’s U12 game. Only difference was the striker managed to bounce it in off the defender’s arm.

I stayed at that hotel for work a couple years ago, it’s decent. The workout room view is pretty cool. I was working out while they were taking BP, which made me want to go to the game. So I finished working out, showered and changed, then walked across to the park and scalped a ticket for $8. I have no idea where the

Also, the national anthem?

Also, will there be a PA announcer? and if so, why?

Also you can get Gatorade from them...

unless you have a mom that considers “setting the cap on top of the bottle” as adequate for closing it. So, so, so much childhood rage about that.

Not afraid to admit I know most of the fountains in my neighborhood for which ones use the right mix, right amount of ice (for non-self service), and so on. A rough list would be: