
reminds me of an old Dilbert cartoon where the punchline is PHB saying “soooo, basically you sit at home doing nothing and we mail you checks?” and Dogbert replies “actually, I was hoping for direct deposit...”

I immediately thought of the antitrust exemption also, because it’s the one thing that still gives the feds some sort of leverage. My assumption is that this is step one, giving up the antitrust exemption is step 2, seeing as how the USFL $3 verdict should be enough to scare anyone away, and then they can go about

I’m pretty sure the stroller-dad model is supporting Sketchbook as well (granted, my kid is out of a stroller, but the growler we had last week was consumed while he played in the back yard).

That was capricious and arbitrary. I approve.

There’s a nanobrewery in my hometown (Sketchbook Brewing, Evanston IL) that has an interesting wrinkle (interesting to me, at least, maybe it’s common elsewhere). In addition to the kegs they sell to local bars and restaurants (only 4-5 places so far), they sell memberships, wherein the member pays up front for either

Something that doesn’t get said enough about telecommuting. Unless you’re doing so specifically because your kid is sick, put your kid in day care/after school care just as you would if you were in the office 8-5. I don’t understand people that think they can work while simultaneously taking care of a child for 3-4

My last job allowed us all to work from home 1-2 days per week. The only informal rules we had were a) you are absolutely allowed to be heard doing laundry during conference calls and b) absolutely no peeing during conference calls.

I read somewhere that once the DNA remix came out, people started sending Suzanne Vega their own remixes. Her label said “we have to stop this” and she said “we have to release this!” and so there’s a whole album of remixes out there, maybe called Tom’s Album, which I may or may not have purchased for $3 from Second

Whew...I was afraid we weren't going to get any false choices in the comments.

Are you sure you’re not me? I also played tenor and bass clarinet. I actually spent a year of concert band playing contra-bass clarinet. I used to beg the bari player in jazz band to switch with me, but no dice.

Hot take: the trombone and the baritone saxophone are the most underrated instruments.

why are you assuming he isn’t?

I couldn’t agree more. It was maybe the one time you felt bad for Don in the episode, when Sally called him out. I think he was telling the truth when he said he didn’t want to embarrass her.

Kinda meh on the logo, but that off-white jersey with the script “Minnesota...”

If it’s like it is here in Chicago, they are “blacked out” on CNBC and NBCSN so that their regular local broadcast with local announcers can happen on whatever channel it normally happens. I think it’s first round only, but not 100% sure.

I plan on doing it roughly 3 seconds after he grounds out to short in his first AB. Then again, I know lots of thin-skinned Cubs fans...

I'm reserving judgement, I mean it could...

convenient how that vine leaves out the slash that caused Keith to go down in the first place.

I had actually already seen the finale, I just didn't want to be all spoiler-y. It was pretty great imho.

In this rare instance, it's correct. Game is over, thus the four goals will be unanswered. Nashville scored 3 straight, the Blackhawks scored 4 unanswered.