
I was out with some of the guys recently, and the place had a huge draft list. I swear this was one of them (if someone out there knows for a fact they don't sell this in kegs or it wasn't available last fall or whatever, I apologize, the name just sounds familiar). Our reaction was "GTFO...Grapefruit? No way, get

I just want to see if Vontae Mack is validating the faith Sonny Weaver Jr. showed in him by drafting him #1 overall, and if Ray Jennings fits as well in Coach Penn's system as they thought he would.

You owe me a new keyboard for "Jim Henson's Avengers Babies"

I used to (early '00s) work a trade show that normally coincided with at least day 1 of the tournament, and it was insane. Show was at the Sands Convention Center (attached to the Venetian, they might have changed the name by now) and the show opened at 8 or 8:30. So I'd come downstairs (lucky us, we got to stay at

On the list of "shoulds" in the NCAA, this one is about #4,305,397.

FIFA knows that the US TV market is still the last great (mostly) untapped source for them. If Germany boycotts, Germans will still (mostly) watch.

Hibachi place, and I ask to borrow the oil they use for the little flame-y trick.

I ran a pool (honestly don't remember if it was NCAA tourney or NFL Playoffs or what) back in the early 2000s. It was cash up front for everyone, including me. I dutifully plopped my $5 in the envelope with everyone else's. Winner take all, so it was like a $125 take, and damned if some fuckwad didn't steal that shit

You misunderstand the power balance and the burden of proof. Your boss can literally call you into the office and say "You're looking for another job and that's disloyal. You're fired" or "You're a democrat and I don't like democrats, you're fired," or "I don't like how you smell, you're fired," or in 29(?) states

Meanwhile, Jacksonville's proposal of "everyone gets a trophy and we all go for ice cream afterward" was soundly defeated again.

The only AP my school offered was calculus (I is an oldz). It was the first year of it, and the Algebra teacher/tennis coach they hired to teach it had zero idea what she was doing. Most of the time, she'd get halfway through putting a problem up on the board, stop, refer back to her book 4 times, then say "wait, no,

If Oklahoma legislators had actually read this test (I'm certain that they did not), they would have noticed that the idea of "American exceptionalism" is all over it. The test doesn't endorse it, because that would be stupid. But it certainly presents viewpoints that both favor and oppose it, and then ask students to

I don't see how HR or your manager can harass you...

Why do you say it's for 30 seconds? The AHL OT is 7 mins, and the last 3 mins are 3 on 3. The games I've seen, it's more than enough time to at least generate multiple goal scoring opportunities for both teams.

I frequent AHL games, and the OT is bananas. Last game we saw, the 4 on 4 was fine, but then they blew the whistle for the 3 on 3...two 2 on 1s and a straight up breakaway (which scored) inside 45 seconds. Sure they'll adapt, but the 3 on 3 is great.

I got $10 says he still tried.

I'm so sad at how my life has turned out because I know these things, but: the red rubber ball kind of the size of a basketball you're thinking of that you can play anything with is a "playground ball"

The dodgeball that the douchebags in your office play with while making totally hilarious Ben Stiller references on

I know, right? It's like in high school when you're in band and sure, whatever, you're in band but there's always this one guy who's so INTO BEING IN BAND...

I feel like rye is still just below breakout mass-popularity, but we'll all be bitching about how rye is sooooo early 2015 in another few months.

Wrong(ish) question. Because bourbon has had a mini-run, after a decent run by scotch as the drink of choice for idiots to ruin. Next is rye. Clip and save, it's rye.