
I know that's what I do at home.

Don't care about dog shows or dog show people, or, for that matter, dogs. But I like watching the WKC show every year, if only because a) it's become something of a household tradition (i.e. my wife likes it) and b) David Frei's announcing. It fascinates me that he is obviously so enmeshed in this culture, has the

Hi, Keith, I'd have sworn you were actually Raysism.

Simmons: (clicks on post)

Yes, by all means let's put a harsher punishment on something that in NO WAY AFFECTS THE ACTUAL GAME.

Are we sure this isn't just the host guy being wacky? Like he's making the incredibly lame joke that this guy is sooooo good looking and all? I mean, that's what it sounded like, but I could be wrong.

You're talking about the one on Touhy, right? Pardon the possible double post from downthread, but my friend had a deal with her kid where he got to go there frequently (every other week) if he did everything he was supposed to (this was genius, because he only got to spend like $5 each time and still thought it was

According to a friend (who had a deal with her kid where he got to go to CEC like twice a month and spend like $5 if he did all his chores or some genius thing like that), that was a common occurrence, to the point where the kid was a possibility every time.

One of the Sportsradio dumbasses here in Chicago ended that line of argument for me 20 years ago by saying "I don't have to be a chef to know that the food sucks"

Sorry, I don't mean to get all meta, but I'm glad to see we were already well into the "meh, he's sucked since (X time that commenter thinks he/she is the only one to remember)" backlash portion of the commentary, because now I can come back in a few hours to when the sane fucking people have taken over again talking

Two questions: can we please get fucking chips in fucking pucks now?

And we have a name for idiots that continue to go to games and support a terrible team year after year no matter how hopeless the ownership situation is: Cubs fans.

He's just trying to support his cousin Alex with his little paranoid radio show.

This is absolutely retrofitting your opinion onto something, but doesn't it look a little like Carroll has a moment of regret with his "oh no," just between him jumping up and yanking off the headset? Like the rest of it is "oh no...I fucked it up"

A company I used to work for rolled out new branding materials to commemorate our new alien overlords (er, the nice folks who bought our company). The roll-out poster with the new brand standards contained 4 violations of the brand standards, and not in an on-purpose "don't do this" way.

My guess is, if they did, there'd be continuity truthers all over the place going all "It's CLEARLY 1/2 FULL when he's on the phone, but THEN he turns BACK TO THE LEFT AND THE COFFEE CUP IS CLEARLY BACK TO 3/4 FULL?!?!? HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!111??"

The real problem in all this is that fuckwad Emmanuel, who like his fuckwad predecessor plays it cute with dibs instead of telling people to suck it up and stop that shit, or instructing Streets and Sans to throw the lawn chairs away.

Ok, that's a pretty good reply and you're probably not really an asshole, but dibs is fucking terrible. Dude, be a good neighbor.

Suck it up, asshole. Everybody got up early. Everybody shoveled out a space, and in most cases, they helped somebody else shovel one out too. If you can't handle it, pony up for a parking space or move to the suburbs where you belong.

That is spot on. Can't believe I didn't think of the pink ribbon thing, since every october I go blue in the face begging people not to buy stupid NFL shit with pink ribbons on it.