
Aaron Rodgers was drafted 24th, but do go on with your scorching hot take.

Aw, man, that's just mean.

Even if your flawed "conference champion plus at large" assumption is true, you could have eight teams and it'd still work. And I agree with Loose Cannon, show me a #9 ranked team that has ever had a legit claim to the championship. And the NCAA basketball tournament being fuck-all too big to reliably produce a legit

Oh shit, I need to generate 1.21 gigawatts so I can go back in time two months...

My guess (I'm having technical difficulties, sorry if this quadruple posts) is that Collinsworth knows that once Peyton retires, he's out of a gig, so he needs to slurp as much League Office cock as he can to ensure he succeeds Simms.

Personal theory. Collinsworth knows he's out of work once Peyton retires so he's trying to suck as many League Office cocks as he can to ensure he lands as Simms' successor.

I have a conundrum when trying to determine an all-time favorite. Two really, because the main one is I like a LOT of beers, and I like them all for different reasons. That's not remarkable, and you even reference that in the piece. But my conundrum is that what used to be my all-time favorite, because it was my first

He already needs a Kleenex or a sweat sock just reading the idea...

So do we call a moratorium on calling ESPN the "booyah" network derisively?

I'm sorry to say, I actually do remember the Greek Column thing from wasn't on election night, it was his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. It was still, however, a really stupid fucking thing to complain about.

Frankly, even the hype about needle-to-hip donation is mostly just hype. I donated that way twice back in the 90s, (yes, I was a match for two different people, about 3 years apart). Everyone talks about the pain from donating...let me tell you, I have a bad back, and the pain from donating bone marrow was nothing

Well, the document in the post says he has 3 days to appeal, so I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that he has 3 days to appeal. No reason why that appeal can't happen and a ruling issued before the Lions-Cowboys game.

See, I read that as "you are awesome and Deadspin is awesome so that's why you write for Deadspin..." but then again I'm 5 beers in.

You're really going to make us all go find the Bartolo Colon and John Kruk pics?

Ok, you seem really invested in this story for god-knows-or-cares what reason. I'm going to ignore the insults and you being intentionally obtuse, and explain to your feeble-ass mind that I was merely pointing out that sportswriters are famous for calling out athletes for making "excuses," even when those "excuses"

Welcome to Deadspin, Mr. De Luca. Sorry you missed your thingy last night.

And this is exactly the kind of excuse they regularly rip players for.

Can't help but wonder how many of these reporters bitching (maybe rightfully, I don't know) about the Bears' PR staff are the same ones dispensing hot takes like blaming Cutler for the INT where the WR ran the wrong route. Or people who rip players for being late to meetings, even though every human being on the

Andrew Luck has dorked his way back around to being cool

I thought from reading this site typically a gift basket was customary when you hit know, when you get Luck(y)