
I think they may actually be trying to kill Jim Harbaugh. A bad call at a crucial time, sure. But that it's a durrrrPutTheQBinASkirtdurrrr call that they later say was wrong? Goddamn, has anybody checked on him? He might've gone Scanners already.

nice little gathering of 70,000 people every coupla weeks you've got there, shame if anything happens to it...

Wow, they actually found a way to put the words "Cleveland Browns" and "pathetic" in the same sentence and yet STILL BE WRONG. Damn.

This is just ball-busting and for show. Rock wasn't going to take the gig, and CBS was never going to offer it to anyone who wasn't going to take it. You can't have your new host look like the 2nd or 3rd choice.

Leave it to them to Flex their muscle like that. They can't Escape their own hubris.

I thought the same thing til a couple years ago when I started the job I have now. Seriously 1/3 of our e-mail newsletter list is addresses (healthcare industry, highly specialized subspecialty, so they tend to be older...)

What thug behavior. Why will no respected leaders in the white community call out this thuggishness?

When, oh when will white leaders speak out against this? Where are the white leaders? And why aren't we talking about white on white crime?

I get that, but at a certain point, why even have a team? It's kind of an honest question, and I'm certainly influenced by media and people who I know who have the same philosophy, but if you aren't seriously competing for a championship, why bother? I guess your answer is that the organizational incompetence leads

For the record, Cincy plays 1 team with a better record and 3 teams with worse records. Cleveland plays 3 teams with better records and 1 with a worse record.

No, they're not. By virtue of tiebreakers, they are in 4th. Just 4th. They have the same record as the team in 2nd, but they are in 4th. What's funny is, you made a factual assertion that was qualified by calling it a subjective assessment, then made a subjective assessment that you stated as a factual assertion.

The facts are the same, it's just that our interpretation of them is different. Sure, the Bengals have a brutal schedule, (or Pittsburgh does, depending on which team is actually better), but it's pretty hard to pass three teams in 4 games, especially when a wild-card is highly unlikely.

Finally, suppose they do pass

I would guess (hey, it's the internet, baseless speculation is what we do!) it's because there wasn't technically a "play" there. Because of the penalty, that thing you saw where McCown completed the pass to bunny FG range and they ran up to try to snap the ball never happened, insomuch as it was taken away by the

Uh, are you unaware of the fact that if they all stay "tied for 2nd place" they don't, uh, ALL get to go to the playoffs? Uh, what a weird thing not to understand.

Not for nothing, they're 7-5 and in last place in their division, and have mediocre-at-best tiebreaker position for wild cards. Reminds me of the 1997 "White Flag" trade from the White Sox. 3 1/2 games out at the trade deadline, and they bailed. And they were probably right to do so.

Agreed that sudden changes are the norm, but there's a difference between "being let go at a moment's notice" and "finding out from the media while on-air"

It's particularly cruel because if Stuckey hits that jumper clean, there's still almost 2 seconds left. Even if Hill grabs it and dunks it, there's maybe .5 left. But no, it bounces on the rim for an hour and a half.

They don't make them anymore as far as I can tell, but Starbucks used to carry a stainless double-walled cup with a screw-in top that stayed the fk in no matter how many times you dropped it, and had a rubber grip and a top that sealed really well but could be flipped up for easy one-handed drinking. I've had two of

They don't make them anymore as far as I can tell, but Starbucks used to carry a stainless double-walled cup with a

Sure, Jesus helped his case by dying young, but not NEARLY as much as Kurt Cobain or James Dean.

I've had the conversation a thousand times...if Eddie Vedder jumps off a building and Cobain stays in rehab, Grantland is running a 36 part series on the connection between Mookie Blaylock and "Ten" this year, while

The goalie is the first one pointing at the spot, he obviously knew the rule, and either a) thought that up on the spot and is a genius, or b) this is a known rule (to hockey players) that we civilians have never heard of but goalies are trained to handle.