
Also (and less noble) likely a little fuck you to Goddell for the whole "suspending our owner" thing.

Irsay leaving notes around the office is like my wife (who works longer hours than I do and thus doesn't do as much of the childcare as I do) leaving helpful tips around the house when she travels for work. Like "take the recycling out on Wednesday night," as if she's ever once in 20 years been the one to take out the

It's not about being a wuss. It's about having an informed opinion vs. spewing stupid half-assed 3rd grade pseudo psychology.

I might agree with you if this were a thing with two sides. There are no sides here, there are those who either deliberately or through ignorance seek to blame victims of domestic violence for their abuser's actions and those who know better.

Guilty. Feel free to out yourself as an uninformed moron.

How about you maybe check out some of your assumptions with some basic research into the topic (really, like, a Google search or two) before going on air with stupid and uninformed half-thought-out opinions? That seems like a pretty reasonable c)

No, I'd be getting her the help she obviously needed and make sure she has the support of her family, and I'd probably be telling victim shaming fuckwads to go piss up a rope.

Allow me to, you fucking moron, we aren't all wondering the same thing.

"God forbid you some jackhole with a microphone say in public what we're all a couple of us uninformed morons with our dicks in our hands are all thinking..."

Also, making that face.

Wrong, commenter dr—junis needs to join a real league that doesn't have 37 ties per year and let the team that gained more yards lose.

A buddy of mine won on that play only because he had both Favre AND Freeman. He was so far behind he didn't even realize he could win, he needed every last yard passing and receiving to win.

Incorrect. Fantasy leagues that count 300 yards passing and 324 yards passing the same but 324 yards passing and 325 yards passing differently are fucking stupid.

On the flip side, I finished 11th instead of 12th last year and thus avoided humiliation and expense because Flacco didn't kneel at the end of an MNF game last year. And it wasn't even in my game, it was the guy playing against the other guy. That I was watching specifically for this purpose probably means I need

Whew, dodged a bullet there then.

Would it make me a bad person if i said "nah, I'd actually rather they get cancer?"

I know I know I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, really. I know. But I love, love, LOVE the fact that he uses the "raise his hand to a woman" construction, which besides being charmingly old-timey is also spot-fucking-on. But really I love it because he TALKS WITH HIS HANDS SO GODDAMN MUCH THAT HE IS LITERALLY ALWAYS

I've actually gotten to a place in my financial, drinking, and tbh storage life where I can buy the pumpkin beer now (and the Oktoberfests...don't judge) and hold off on drinking them until at least the middle to the end of September, then buy my holiday ales when they come out and hoard them for the winter.

And I

"Needs more blood spatter"

I assume you're using the european date format there, because he called for him to resign back in August too. Yesterday was a whole 'nother explosion.