
Jesus, what balls.

I still love what Terry Boers said when Ditka had his TIA or whatever it's called:

Don't forget the $100K wine club that we're not supposed to notice because he wears a shitty $10 watch.

I...I just can't believe you wouldn't see how tone deaf it is to post this today.


Ha! It does seem like maybe it should be more like 99.9%. I honestly have no idea what the real number is, as I'm not well-versed in the not-for-profit world. I just know it's awfully early in the week for me to be wanting to drink at work.

Sadly, that probably falls under "Awareness" in the sense of "Awareness That We're Assholes"

I don't know if you're talking about the JFK thing or the "black eye," but I'd just like to make a plea to middle aged white guys like him (and me) to please take extra care in saying this was a "big black eye" for the league, make sure you pause a little between the 2nd and 3rd words, because especially with that

You've got an excellent point in that the 5% I remember hearing is several years old, and I had mistakenly thought they were in bed with (pardon the pun) Komen. Still, we're splitting hairs about whether it's gawd-awful or criminally shitty at this point. Now I need a drink.

I thought it was a named %, the name being 5. Which goes to an organization that spends 70% on bullshit and 25% on "awareness" which, sure.

I'm guessing he is an #old (like me). I didn't take the ACT/SAT til late in Junior year, didn't mail off any applications 'til October of Senior year, did visits in February and March, got accepted in April and picked after spring break. This was late 80s, not exactly ancient history, but there was nothing odd or late

2. Cyclists who run 4 way stop signs that have at all four signs and then flip you off when you honk at them after panic stopping 2" from their stupid asses.

We should probably get Robert Duvall, Blair Underwood, Jon Favreau and Mary McCormick on standby just in case #dontcomeatmewiththatBruceWillisandBenAffleckshit

Old person here. They were supposed to be appetite suppressant "diet" candies. So you could, you know, lose a bunch of weight and look really thin.

I know this is sacrilege, but I've had my plain old iPhone4 for a tick over 4 years now, and it's just now time to replace it (I was actually going to go get a new one at lunch one day last month when I heard about the announcement for the 6. I figured I could wait another 6 weeks, though I'll probably still get the


Dumb troll is dumb. Good day.

Oh no, I'll never get invited to the cool kids' table at lunch now.


Not gonna lie, I've been chuckling at the line "Actress Acts En Route to Winning Award for Acting" for almost 8 straight hours. Woke up laughing, even. Well played.