
I'd have gone Comic Sans, but yours is good too.

You are an evil, evil person. Who is getting a big ol' +1.

I would also accept the answer of "hey, Martellus, we need to make an example out of someone to scare the rookies, want a day off?" The unusual thing is the "indefinite" part, which I hope means "we don't want you to notice he's back on Thursday."

Meh, my read on his sulking was more that Josh McCown was getting all the credit for the offense, which is a common syndrome known as "mediocre white QB with 3 extremely talented black receivers." And I always assume training camp fights/suspensions are planned as a way to a)stupidly fire guys up and b) give a veteran

Couldn't agree more about having the ump/ref who originally made the call be the one to review. It avoids the all-too human dynamic of "f*** those guys in NY, I'll let them try to figure this one out." I was going to say something like that in a previous comment, but i couldn't come up with the term "agency," which is

Not a sports personality, but a sports issue, Lizz Winstead blocked me because I called her out for sounding like a borderline racist NIMBY when she sent out 10 straight tweets complaining about how "Jay-Z's new stadium" in Brooklyn was ruining her neighborhood.

My 10 year old's soccer coach this season was from Germany. When the team scored a ping-pong goal like this (kicked, off 2 defenders, off a kid's ass, dribbles between the keeper's feet) he turned around and said to us all in the most glorious German accent "In Brazil, they say soccer must be 'beautiful.' In Germany,

I'll freely admit that I have no numbers to back me up here, which is really not like me, I usually abhor arguments with no data, but my impression is that the intent-type calls are best left to the people standing right there, which is in and of itself a value choice. Because it's a fairly quick and not particularly

except the rule isn't about intent, it's about ability. He could've reached over and tagged the base easily.

See, I disagree unless you can get everything down to a definable objective binary state. Did the ball hit the line or not? Did he tag the runner or not?

I don't like a thing, so you can't like a thing. Gawker 101, dudes.

Help me OBP-wan, you're our only hope.

I'll admit I was a little disappointed that it wasn't NL=Original Trilogy and AL=Prequel Trilogy, but most of these are solid.

If I'm the kid, I tell Nike they can contact my representation and maybe we can work something out, like you fucking pay me if you want to tell me what to wear, just like you pay my dad.

Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs. Palmer? (cue Simon and Garfunkel)

Sooooo, I know it's none of our business or anything Samer,'ve got someone working on a Regressing post trying to figure out whose wives, right?

Pat Hughes was making similar jokes on the radio. It was a bout 8:45 and he said "we're in the bottom of the third...already?" Jackson had 62 pitches through 2, I think, and he's not exactly Mark Buehrle when it comes to his delivery.

longest by time, not # of innings. The previous record was like 6:15 and it was a 21 inning game.

Sorry you thought i was being rude. Saying that I can't tell if you're trolling or not is not meant to be rude.

Awww, there you are. We were all afraid you'd gone off to spread your unique brand of stupidity elsewhere.