
I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not, but:
a) Marie Olbermann wasn't hit by a foul ball, she was hit by an errant throw from Chuck Knoblach.

Outstanding hustle.

Oh, come the f*** on. Just...I mean how could...I just...

Yeah, he loves Tebow so much that he wouldn't want himself on his team...

Helping one group of people does not inoculate you against being a terrible person as regards another group of people and thus, a terrible person.

It seems to me like ThatOneGuyYouKindOfKnow's answer is that it's fine for Tony Dungy to not want Sam on his team, but it's okay if he's on someone else's team. You know, like "separate but equal."

Comment section is seriously TL:DR for me right now so apologies if this has been discussed in 19 other threads, but this didn't start with Hobby Lobby, it started with pharmacists (who, let's face it, have a job primarily consisting of counting to 30 repeatedly) who got "conscience exemptions" from fulfilling Plan B

If they go to the trouble of responding, Murdoch will be sorry. But that's life.

So...this doesn't happen often. I've got zero snark for this. And I'm a guy who once wrote a crack baby abortion sketch for a comedy show. I totally, uncynically loved this. Either I'm going soft in my old age or...well, there is no second option.

You probably won't ever completely de-incentivize tanking, so it makes sense to mess with the level at which it becomes more/less advantageous. Sure, you'll still have people tanking to get into that sweet spot, but that's preferable to a complete race to the bottom.

I think that guy would find a way to tear his kid down no matter how competitive we as a society are.

I admit, I had to read it twice. Nicely done.

An oddly specific but salient point.

See, the ribbons aren't for sucking...they're for trying something. And "encourage kids to find something they're good at" is a different and opposite point than "it's okay to suck at something," because "finding something you're good at" presumably means "quit things you aren't good at."

Ok, so, message from The Oldz here. Wayyyy back in the 80s, maybe th eearly '80s even, there was nothing like him. By which I mean, everything else that existed was way worse. You know those 2 minute sets of highlights you see when you visit your parents and they watch the local news at night? That used to be it. And

I've never liked the "I don't care about a thing, so obviously nobody cares about a thing." construction. So why come to the site, read the story, and comment? I could give a fk about NASCAR, and in fact actively dislike it, you don't see me trolling Jalopnik posts.

They did, in KC. And Dallas used to be the Burn. Causing either Olbermann or Patrick one night to say "we go to MLS now, and the Urology Bowl...the Wiz and the Burn..."

Having only been a couple times but knowing others who go frequently...totally different vibe for weekend and night games in the bleachers than for weekday games. Weekday games, the bros are busy crushing their entry level sales jobs their dad got them, so it's mostly tourists and people who actually want to watch

If only we knew when this decision would be made. Like, maybe they could announce when he would make his decision and have everyone watch as he revealed his decision. They could call it "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down"

Let's just call them all "Jerry"